Home » today » Health » The size of the palm of the hand and the weight of a can of soda .. “Miracle Twins” enters the Guinness Book of Records

The size of the palm of the hand and the weight of a can of soda .. “Miracle Twins” enters the Guinness Book of Records

A “miracle achieved” is how the case of twins born in a hospital in Canada was described, and they entered the Guinness Book of Records, as they were the lightest and least alive at birth.

And CNN reported that the parents, Shakina Rajendram, 35, and Kevin Nadaraga, 37, were informed by doctors that the expected twins would not be able to survive after birth, after she had to give birth while she was only 21 weeks pregnant. And only 5 days, that is, about four months before the due date.

To have even the slightest chance, the twins had to be kept in the womb for at least a day and a half.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that premature birth increases the risk of death or serious disability, and babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy may suffer from breathing and digestive problems, bleeding in the brain, as well as problems with growth.

Problems are especially high for children born before the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy and weighing less than 700 grams.

A study found that babies born at 22 weeks who receive medical treatment have survival rates ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent.

The “CNN” report indicates that the parents moved to Mount Sinai Hospital, which specializes in this type of birth, in Toronto, and the mother was determined to keep her pregnancy for a few more hours.

And just one hour after midnight on March 4, 2022, in the 22nd week of pregnancy, Adele was born weighing less than 330 grams, then her brother Adriel joined her after 23 minutes weighing less than 420 grams.

But they were born just in time to be eligible for care, nutrition and vital organ support, and if they had been born an hour earlier, they might not have survived.

The mother described what happened as a “miracle”.

The two children were the size of a “palm of hand” and weighed about the same as a soda can, and their organs could be seen because of their translucent skin.

Doctors used a needle of less than 2 millimeters, about the size of a fine sewing needle, to administer the nutrients.

It was the weight of a soda can

And the two entered Guinness Book of Records They hold records as the lightest twins born prematurely.

“At some point, we asked ourselves, ‘Is this the right thing to do? “They were in great pain and their skin was peeling… There could be months or even years of painful and difficult treatment, and long-term risks such as problems with muscle development, cerebral palsy, language delay, blindness and deafness.”

But the determination of the parents gave them hope.

The parents said that the two children “were fighters and we decided to give them a chance in life,” although they knew that they would have to go through pain and difficult moments, even as adults.

Indeed, during the six months in the hospital after giving birth, there were setbacks and difficult moments, sometimes even asking them to stop their care, but the battle continued.

After 161 days, “Adia” was discharged from the hospital, and she returned to her home on August 11, then her brother joined her six days later, without the need for an oxygen device or feeding tubes, while they continue to perform specialized examinations and various types of treatment several times a month, but they are “happy.” And in good health,” according to the mother.

The twins are in good condition

“Contrary to what was expected of them, they are happy, active, breathe and feed on their own, play and chatter all the time, and sleep well,” Rajendram said.

The parents hope their story will inspire other families and health professionals to re-evaluate the feasibility of giving birth before 22 weeks of gestation, even with the risks of death or disability.

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