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The six most shocking confessions of Victoria Federica in El Hormiguero

It could have been a disaster. In fact, the few interventions before the cameras of Victoria Federica made one think that the worst was going to happen when Vic (that’s what Pablo Motos called her) went to have fun at El Hormiguero. However, the daughter of the Infanta Elena, the
media star of the king’s family, he convinced with his sympathy, his naturalness and his lack of pretensions. Everything happened according to the script, of course. Everything that was seen and heard was prearranged and well prearranged.

Before singing surprised praises to Victoria de Marichalar (that’s how she introduces herself, without the Federica), let’s say that she doesn’t hide anything extraordinary: she is an absolutely conventional 24-year-old girl. Neither in her posture nor in her social ease nor in her speech.
nothing exceptional appearsIn fact, Vic even let out a curse when they brought up the subject of how he likes to pick the scabs off his wounds (hence those legs covered in scars). He quietly said, ‘Don’t fuck with me’, which is one hundred percent Bourbon.

Victoria Federica does not seduce with what she says or how she says it, because her shyness prevents her from looking people in the eye, she touches her hair incessantly, she presses her lips mercilessly and she adjusts her clothes unnecessarily. It is a pure tic. And yet, she has charm and the camera loves her.
Possesses telegenicity and she looks much prettier on television than in her Instagram photos. She has the essentials and the rest, she can learn along the way.

Victoria de Marichalar’s visit (let’s get used to it) to El Hormiguero served as a preview of ‘El Desafío’, the programme about celebrities in risky situations in which the daughter of Infanta Elena participates and which premieres in January. There was a video clip in which she was seen
terrified but devotedHis naivety is, in truth, disarming. He even said that he went on holiday with the show’s team to the Maldives, as a family. Vic experiences television like a summer camp.

Victoria de Marichalar, on her entrance to the set of ‘El Hormiguero’. / EL HORMIGUERO

After the usual platitudes (“I’ve outdone myself,” “I’ve felt at home,” “The team made it super easy for me,” “It’s been the best experience”), Pablo Motos took a break to really start the interview. And the gems began to appear, beyond that ugly habit of picking scabs off wounds or putting little
firecrackers in cigarettes from his friends. He showed videos to demonstrate how he scared several of his smoking friends.

What would Vic do if she were anonymous?

The first question that Pablo Motos asked her elicited the first authentic response from Victoria Federica. The daughter of Infanta Elena confessed that, if she woke up one morning and nobody knew her, she would take a walk. «I would take a good walk.»
Walking around Madrid alone“It’s the first thing I would do,” acknowledged the most famous niece of King Felipe and Queen Letizia.

His relationship with bodyguards

«I had bodyguards from birth until I was 18, two National Police officers. I lived it quite well and, at the same time, at 16 or 17 years old, in my teens, I was a little overwhelmed. But
I adored them And I still have contact with many of them. If I meet them in other services I like to hug them, although they tell me ‘Get out of here, get out of here, I’m working’. I have missed them a lot.

What Vic wanted to be when he grew up

Victoria Federica was not afraid to say that, as a child, she never had a vocation, not even an inclination. “Every day I wanted to be something: a doctor, a teacher, a nurse… Whatever.
I never had anything clear“If anything, I was more inclined to be a teacher, which was my mother’s previous profession.”

Victoria was not a brilliant student

Pablo Motos skipped over the issue of studies and simply asked Victoria de Marichalar if she had been a good student. “Well… Ps …
It wasn’t the best, “But I wasn’t the worst either,” she admitted. “I failed maths until a teacher explained it to me properly. Thanks to her, I didn’t hate it as much.”

Hooligan in boarding school

Vic admitted that her record of punishments occurred in England, where she studied at a boarding school. “I didn’t get along with the director of the house where the boarders lived and I made her
some joke “What else? He always locked his dog in the office, so when he wasn’t looking, I would open the door for him to run free.”

Back to regattas, like the king

«My whole family has sailed. Since we were little, all the cousins ​​sailed in Palma during the summers and I have tried to continue with it. In fact, I have just come from the America’s Cup where I was a spectator and also a crew member on a boat, but a classic one. Super nice. I have learned a lot. I would love to
be part of a crew and compete.”

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