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“The situation is sad …” – Objectif Gard

The first vice-president of the Departmental Council, Alexandre Pissas (Photo: Coralie Mollaret)

The Socialist Party withdrew the nomination of Alexandre Pissas, candidate for the Senators. Instead, Denis Bouad, president of the Departmental Council, was chosen. The socialist from Bologna, however, decided to maintain his candidacy. He explains himself.

Objectif Gard: The deposit of the lists ends this evening. It’s official, are you maintaining your candidacy?

Alexandre Pissas: Of course, how to do otherwise! What is the weight of the nomination of Denis Bouad, acquired 16 days before the election, whereas I had it for two months? In the Gard, all the activists have stepped up to the plate against the decision of the national PS. The president of the PS group in the Senate, Patrick Kanner, even called my section secretary, Michel Paillot, to tell him to support Denis Bouad… What is this nomination worth, which goes above the party rules and the vote of 280 activists? I will go to the end of the mandate given to me by the militants!

Who makes up your list?

Ah my list … for now I will not tell you anything

. Simply that it is made up of socialists or related with people from the cantons of Pont-Saint-Esprit and Bagnols. Your investiture has been withdrawn from you and you are running against the president of the Departmental Council. Isn’t that mission impossible?

Impossible mission ? I don’t know if people will appreciate a candidacy from a man who said he wouldn’t run for the Senate. In addition, he compared the Senate to an Ehpad! In the field, I assure you, I am told that this situation is incredible. “When you play the lottery, you pay your ticket to find out if you have won”

Do you live this political sequence as a betrayal ?

Treason is a term that can be suspicious … It saddens me, especially for activists. As for the party, it is extremely sad. I thought he had changed. And then, when you want to have your party’s nomination, you have to be up to date with your contributions from the start.(Denis Bouad was not, Editor’s note) . When you play the lottery, you pay your ticket to find out if you have won! In my opinion, the president broke his word. He told me he would not be a candidate. We can change our minds but I still believe that a candidacy is something to be prepared, especially given his age and his political background.

Don’t you pay for your negotiations for the presidency of the Departmental Council of


No, I don’t believe it! When you see senior officials telling me that Denis Bouad owes me a debt of gratitude because I supported him… As they say, do Bertrand good, he’ll give it back to you by caging!

Why would the voters vote for you?

I defend the municipalities. They must remain the essential link in the territorial architecture of our Republic. It goes through two essential things: town planning and the mayor’s police. We must fight to prevent these powers from being transferred to the communities of communes. “I did absolutely everything within the rules”

What are your relations with Denis Bouad?

We don’t have any. I still have my mandates even if he wanted me to resign. To be honest, he sent me an email with all the orders in which I was appointed to functions. An email co-signed by the Director General of Departmental Council services. However, this is not normal… We cannot use the community to campaign!

If you lose, will you file an appeal?

So far I’m not doing anything. I am campaigning and I don’t want to waste my time. Still, the way we behaved with me is despicable … Me, I did absolutely everything within the rules. The situation is sad. Interview by Coralie Mollaret

[email protected]

-* Composition of the list: Alexandre Pissas, Béatrice Loison (1st deputy in Vénéjan), Laurent Nadal (mayor of Cavillargues), Sylvie Nicolle (mayor of Sabran) and Cédric Pioche (deputy mayor of Saint-André-de-Majencoules).

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