Metal, a lot of metal turns out to be needed to maintain the so-called “strategic autonomy” of the EU. Not gold for the “golden spoons” that the ND once promised the people, when the country entered the “old” EEC, its “predecessor” EU.
We are talking about steel with which new weapons and ammunition will be made to be sent to the fronts of wars that bleed entire peoples. Today in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and tomorrow maybe in Asia and Latin America.
You see our world has now become “multipolar” and the “volcanoes” of opposition between the powerful “poles” of the great powers can crack our planet in various places, causing havoc. Only for that they will need iron, steel, gunpowder and everything related.
One of the world’s powerful “poles” is Euro-Atlanticism, i.e. the alliance of American and European monopolies forged over the last 75 years on the anvil of NATO. And he became so powerful that he can now be… cloned. In other words, a “European NATO” should also be created, so that the EU would gain “strategic autonomy” vis-à-vis the USA at a military level. And as they explain to us, whenever it suits her it will strike together with the US – NATO and whenever she deems it she will be able to strike alone.
French President Emmanuel Macron, donning the uniform of the European Napoleon Bonaparte, is even preparing to send “European troops” to the imperialist war in Ukraine. Where the EU has already poured 100 billion euros in two years to support the interests of European monopolies, which have been vying with the corresponding Russian interests over how to divide the fertile land, mineral wealth, ports, pipelines, market shares, geopolitical supports.
The ND government emerges as the prime minister of the war-loving EU and with the consent of SYRIZA, PASOK, Hellenic Solution, New Left and the far-right formations involves the country deeper in the pit of wars, giving land and water to the USA, NATO and the EU. Deforestation from weapons the defense of the Greek islands to send them to Ukraine, sent the frigate “Hydra” to the Red Sea for the interests of the shipowners and Israel, putting the lives of its personnel at enormous risk. It grants Greek territory for American military bases, turning the country into a Euro-Atlantic base and a target for retaliation, throwing our people into great adventures. The new president of SYRIZA – as a later member of parliament of ERE – even talks about the “sacred defense alliance of NATO” which protects us from “the three regimes of the East”. The new axis of evil!
And the people? What attitude will the people of Europe, the people of Greece, take in the face of this situation, which so far they are paying out of their own pockets and the way things are going, they will soon be paying for it with their blood?
The Greek people have choices, European elections are coming and over 1,100 will be the candidates of the 31 ballots that they will “crash” behind the screen.
The… lenses of the media are already focusing on the professional and other gifts of the most prominent of them. The choices are many for those that the people will choose to push them into the slaughterhouse of imperialist wars.
Or should he choose one of the 42 candidates of the KKE, which is the only party that has actually opposed the war in the streets of the struggle and votes against it at every opportunity in the European Parliament?
The developments confirm that this is the only option that corresponds to the interests of the workers and the people.
Elissaios Vagenas is a member of the Central Committee of the KKE and head of the International Relations department of the Central Committee of the KKE
#sinkhole #war #peoples