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The single terminal for electronic meal vouchers is here

The Simplifications DL, permanently converted to law, has introduced a novelty concerning the way of accepting meal vouchers by commercial businesses. In particular, the single terminal for electronic meal vouchers arrives. It must be guaranteed in every affiliated establishment and can be used for all tickets, i.e. for meal vouchers obtained in electronic form. This will finally make it easier to use them.

How the single terminal was introduced

It has therefore been said that the Simplifications decree brings with it, among the novelties, the single terminal. It seems that the measure has some relevance in the difficult economic and social situation in which we find ourselves. Therefore, article 40-bis of the decree provides that, in the case of electronic meal vouchers, it must be guaranteed a single payment terminal for the affiliated businesses. To this end, it established that the regulatory discipline on the subject of canteen replacement services must also identify the methods for implementing the new provision. In the present case, the rule has novel Article 144 of the Public Contracts Code, relating to catering services.

Until now, every meal voucher had its POS and this has often made it difficult, on many occasions, to use electronic tickets. This is because the shopkeepers should have had several card readers available. On the other hand, the machines dedicated to the single ticket, enabled for the electronic payment of the same, were not always present in the shops. Sometimes, however, the refusal was justified by the malfunction of the POS dedicated to this. However, the single terminal should solve these problems and encourage even more the use of electronic vouchers. The rule is expected to take effect next week. The identification of the implementation modalities will then take place with a decree of the Minister of Economic Development, in agreement with the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. The single terminal for electronic meal vouchers arrives, therefore, no one will have to wait in line or fear of not being able to use the meal vouchers obtained.

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