Home » today » Health » The singer is famous for cirrhosis of the liver in a coma! The doctor revealed that the symptoms of liver cirrhosis are fatigue, bleeding due to tooth brushing and insomnia. Be careful because the liver is asking for help | Liver | Lian Mingyue | Hepatitis | Health 2.0

The singer is famous for cirrhosis of the liver in a coma! The doctor revealed that the symptoms of liver cirrhosis are fatigue, bleeding due to tooth brushing and insomnia. Be careful because the liver is asking for help | Liver | Lian Mingyue | Hepatitis | Health 2.0

Lian Mingyue, a veteran singer and actor, was once revealed to have a brain tumor. Lian Mingyue said she suddenly passed out when she went to the bathroom first! She found that she fell asleep while she sat and sat on the toilet for 40 minutes. When she got up, she found that her fever had reached 40 degrees and she was “absent”. Later, her family rushed her to the hospital and her examination revealed that she had cirrhosis of the liver. The doctor said Lian Mingyue’s performance was an obvious complication of liver cirrhosis “hepatic coma”.

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Fatigue and poor appetite often occur in the initial stage of liver cirrhosis

Qian Zhenghong, a gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary doctor at Keelung Chang Gung Hospital, said that in clinical practice it is common for many people to have liver cirrhosis without knowing it! Cirrhosis of the liver is divided into three grades: A, B and C. Common symptoms such as edema, bruising, jaundice and insomnia are more likely in grades B and C and these are also called decompensated liver cirrhosis. “If it is the early stage of liver cirrhosis, there may only be fatigue, fatigue, poor appetite, etc., but no other symptoms.”

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Symptoms of liver cirrhosis: fatigue, bruising, bleeding from brushing teeth, insomnia, lack of response

Fatigue is the most common symptom of liver cirrhosis, accounting for around 70% to 80%! Qian Zhenghong added that there are also many patients with liver cirrhosis who will develop complications such as liver coma. The first signs of hepatic coma are insomnia, inability to sleep, lack of response and, in severe cases, complete coma. Because patients with liver cirrhosis will have abnormal blood clotting factors and low platelets, the body will be particularly bruised and the bleeding will be severe when brushing the teeth and even the bleeding will be especially severe when the teeth are pulled out, cleaned and cleaned.

What about some people who think fever is the end stage of liver cirrhosis? Qian Zhenghong explained that patients with liver cirrhosis have poor immunity and are immunocompromised, so they are particularly vulnerable to infection.Once infected, they will have fever, not liver cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis of the liver caused by fatty liver will increase

In Taiwan, viral hepatitis B and C are the leading causes of liver cirrhosis, followed by long-term alcoholism and fatty liver. Qian Zhenghong also bluntly said: “In Taiwan, there will be more and more liver cirrhosis caused by fatty liver in the future, while viral hepatitis will be less and less.”

To prevent liver cirrhosis, you need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, controlling your weight, and getting adequate sleep

About 5% of patients with liver cirrhosis will have liver cancer each year. Cirrhosis of the liver is progressive. If the cause of liver cirrhosis is not eliminated, cirrhosis of the liver will become increasingly severe! Qian Zhenghong suggested that patients with viral hepatitis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C should receive treatment. Also, to prevent liver cirrhosis, people should stop drinking, control their weight, avoid excess visceral fat, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

Qian Zhenghong suggested that you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day to maintain liver health and “less than 6 hours is likely to have abnormal liver function.” Currently, it is believed that air pollution, such as smoking and PM2.5, can also easily lead to chronic hepatitis. Therefore, people who have a habit of smoking should stop smoking. They should also heed the warnings. about air pollution, wear masks when going out, reduce outdoor exercise, and buy more clean air, car etc.

See more:Cirrhosis of the liver, malnutrition, fatigue Eating dinner is important

◎ Image Source / Extract from Lian Mingyue Facebook
◎ Consult an expert /Dr. Qian Zhenghong

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