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The singer has covid-19 and she reveals a photo that is very disturbing!

Vitaa once again has covid-19. Find out the details of its condition!

The past year has been a dream for Vitaa. The 38-year-old singer has been a hit in all areas, whether professional or personal. We can only be delighted with the great news that she recently shared on her Instagram account.

Unfortunately, the start of the year does not seem so promising for the young woman. This is particularly the case with this story that she made on her account on Thursday, January 6. What is it really? We have provided an update for you in the rest of this article!

A busy end to the year for Vitaa

Since 2020, Vitaa has had a series of hard knocks. Like many music and entertainment stars in general, the latter must have done a break from the pandemic. A forced shutdown by the closure of performance halls but also of various entertainment venues. But that did not prevent Slimane’s sidekick from preparing his projects. It is also in this perspective that she continued to chain rehearsals during the last months.

This also resulted in the resumption of concerts during the year 2021. A tour that allowed him to find his audience but above all to signify the end of his journey alongside Slimane. You should know that Vitaa and her friend both plan to discover new horizons. Something to please their fans. But this is not the only good news that the young woman wanted to share.

As their tour wrapped up, Vitaa made a big social media announcement. Indeed, it seems that the young woman is in waiting for her 3rd child. A pregnancy which did not prevent him from continuing his tour despite the difficult conditions. She also made sure to keep it a secret for her fans until the end of the latter.

To end the year, it is on vacation that Vitaa finds herself with her family. The opportunity for the latter to spend time with her spouse but also her two children. The portraits of families are linked on its social networks. And all this: on skis! Indeed, the young woman takes full advantage of this new period before starting other projects.

Sad news for the singer!

All day long, there are videos and photos of her ski holidays that Vitaa shares with her fans. Moments of joy and joy which she takes full advantage of and which she does not intend to let go of.

Fans are also under the spell to see her so blooming after a long period of hard work during her tour. But unfortunately, it seems that this happiness is short-lived. On Thursday, January 6, Vitaa has indeed made a new story that may well worry its fans.

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“Good bah here, 6 days in 2022 at the top and then … thank you the Covid” declares the young woman. The latter would have been infected some time ago and therefore begin to feel the first symptoms of the disease. Especially since the latter is starting to become more and more virulent. We then see the young woman with an accessory that can only surprise.

This is an oxygen concentrator that would help him cope with covid-19. “Some have shisha, I have that” she tried to joke in front of her subscribers. Despite the situation, it seems Vitaa is trying to be positive. She has not lost her touch of humor and her good looks.

Vitaa, a second time attacked by the covid

For Vitaa, this is not a first! Indeed, the singer had already suffered from covid-19 some time ago. A period that she insisted on keeping to herself as the difficulties were numerous. This new infection is therefore taken with attention by the young woman of 38 years.

This is also why she is forced to stay in bed for the next few days. Especially since the pregnancy she is currently facing was eagerly awaited. We cannot therefore hope that she will get better quickly. And who knows maybe how to treat us to her skiing skills again!

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