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the singer dyed her hair … pink (PHOTO)

Louane ends the year 2020 with a new and original look. What to seduce his fans who adore!

Louane has had a busy year 2020 … As it comes to an end to make way for 2021, the 23-year-old has recently confided in these recent months so special. Despite the crisis linked to the Covid 19 pandemic and its two confinements, Louane also had the best moment of her life: she gave birth to an adorable little girl named Esmée who “turned everything upside down in his life“On the heart side, the year has obviously gone well too, as demonstrated by the young woman’s arrival at the NRJ Music Awards in the arms of her companion Florian Rossi. And that’s not all! Even professionally, Louane seems fulfilled: the singer has released her latest album, Joy of living, last October 23.

Louane sees life in pink

The year 2021 is therefore looming very well for Louane, young woman, mother and fulfilled artist. What to see life in pink? It would seem. This is in any case what suggests the new look of the singer … This Wednesday, December 16, the one who recently admitted to having more than 30 tattoos unveiled her new hair color: they are now pink! “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” wrote Louane as a comment on her new Instagram photo, revealing this original dye.

Louane fans love her hair color

Ephemeral madness or lasting change of look for Louane ? The future will tell. In the meantime, fans of the artist have fully validated this new pink hair color. “Too too beautiful“, “Magnificent“, “Beautiful like a flower“, “I love it and it suits you really well“, “Pink suits you too well“can we read in the comments of this new cliché … Something perhaps to make the young mother – who has already been brunette and wore silver hair – want to keep this look during the end of year celebrations It must be said that this original shade which brings a little softness to this particular month of December goes well to the fair complexion of the young woman and brings out her eyes. Pink power!

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