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The simplest but effective natural remedies for hoarseness and sore throat

Never as this year has particular attention been needed to the typical symptoms of seasonal ailments.

Compared to usual, we have learned to contact the doctor promptly and to stay at home so as not to infect others. It is always better not to ignore the ailments and to intervene in the most suitable way.

However, colds like every autumn and winter affect more or less everyone, and often hide nothing of concern.

One of the frequent symptoms that one has to deal with is hoarseness. That scratching and burning throat sensation can be very annoying. We feel it irritated when we talk, eat, drink or swallow, but sometimes even just breathing. At certain times of the day the feeling is unbearable. Not to mention the voice that goes away, leaving us deaf and frustrated.

How to solve the problem naturally? It may be useful to know this while waiting for a consultation with your doctor, or to avoid excessively resorting to over-the-counter medicines.

Rinse and gargle against inflammation

Among the simplest but effective natural remedies for hoarseness and sore throat we have gargle.

We can prepare different types of solutions with which to disinfect and soothe the sore throat.

A teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot water is the simplest and most ancient remedy. The salt is antibacterial, it helps reduce inflammation and swelling. The water obviously doesn’t have to be boiling, but pleasantly warm.

The other two natural ingredients very suitable for the throat are lemon and honey. They can be used together for gargling or as an herbal tea. They both have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey also relieves dry and sore throat because it is emollient and can calm coughs.

Other home ingredients with which to prepare the “grandmother’s remedies” are water and baking soda or water and apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to put a teaspoon of one or the other in a glass of warm water and to use this solution to gargle. They may be unpleasant, but you can add a teaspoon of honey to improve the flavor.

Infusions beneficial for the throat

There are many plants that help fight inflammation and treat hoarseness.

Among the best we have the root of licorice. It can be used for the preparation of rinses and gargles, but also of infusions to drink. Or we have the mallow herbal tea, which calms coughs, soothes burning, is expectorant and emollient.

Other herbs useful for fighting sore throats, coughs and hoarseness are thyme, marshmallow, plantain and chamomile. Nothing prevents you from adding honey and lemon to the infusions to enhance their effect.

The simplest but effective natural remedies for hoarseness and sore throat can easily be found in herbal medicine.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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