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“The Silent Killers: Common Diseases You Need to Know”

The doctor listed the diseases that are commonly called “silent killers.”

Medical examinations were not invented in vain

It is not in vain that doctors say that it is important for every person to regularly undergo at least a minimal medical examination in a clinic. And also take a blood test, urine, do a cardiogram. All these events are commonly called medical examinations, for which legislators even allocated one paid working day a year.

However, in fact, few Russians think about their health and agree to come to the clinic. Such behavior is unreasonable and can lead to sad consequences. After all, there are many diseases that do not make themselves felt for a very long time, and when they appear, they become a very serious and intractable problem.

Therapist Julia Krasnova named five such diseases.

What is better to know sooner rather than later?

These diseases are called “silent killers”. They are barely noticeable to ordinary people, do not cause serious health complications at the initial stage, but very significantly complicate life in the advanced stage, – the expert noted.

Here are five such diseases.

Hypertension (high blood pressure). This is one of the most common diseases. Previously, it was considered inherent only to people over 45 years old. But today there are cases when the diagnosis of “hypertension” is made even in 25-year-olds. If you do not treat hypertension, then one day you can get into sad medical statistics with deadly complications: stroke or heart attack.

Diabetes. According to WHO statistics, every second person with diabetes is unaware of their disease. At the same time, diabetes requires daily, and sometimes several times a day, monitoring of glucose levels. You can notice the disease in time if you pay attention to suspicious symptoms, such as frequent thirst, unreasonable hunger, sudden weight loss, slowly healing wounds, etc.

Atherosclerosis. It occurs due to a violation of lipid metabolism and is manifested by the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries. If you do not start treating it in time, then the plaques can come off and life-threatening blood clots form. According to the doctor, in order to prevent the development of sad events, you need to regularly monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Osteoporosis. This is a disease in which there is a decrease in bone mineral density and an increase in the risk of fractures. The main danger of osteoporosis is that brittle bones can lead to frequent fractures even with minor injuries.

Fatty hepatosis of the liver. The liver does not have nerve endings, so changes in its condition and performance are extremely difficult to replace in time. Hepatosis also does not manifest itself in any way, but until it is too late. By the way, the doctor emphasizes that this disease often precedes the development of diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, sleep apnea syndrome and other life-threatening conditions.

2023-05-02 08:34:25

#diseases #person #learns #late #treat

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