whole.Rafael: or in the city of newlaw that would benefit about800,000 recent legal in themunicipal elections and whathopes that the full councilapprove.the states are the ones who haveright to decide.there are those who oppose and saythat this is not contemplated inthe constitution. who couldvote when it is approved?>> the state constitutionfrom new york on a riverbedpalabra “only”the academics and the lawyershave carried out the project oflaw and give it the go-ahead.Antonio, we will go to Colorado noweach of the cities.something different that cando.all that dreamers are andthe people here, fromtechnology to come, manyof them in Asia, many ofthey here in a city ofnew york, those nursesthat come from Jamaica andthose workers who are1 million of them will besaying to those who wantsay, will they come here toour neighborhood ofLatino immigrants. the vote ofwe count the same as avote of upper class and classmean where most of thecandidates dedicate their timebecause he never gave usus. they have to celebrateanother culture, dancing thecumbia and bachata or eatingour food. we are peopleworker and immigrantswhen we vote, we have the weightthat we deserve.javier: thanks for being withus, don’t go because