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the sight of Nikolai Rybnikov before death will terrify everyone

The actor could not pull himself together.

Nikolai Rybnikov was a screen star and the idol of millions, but nothing lasts forever. The actor’s career began to decline and the time came when he considered even episodic roles a great success.

All-Union fame was brought to the artist by the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”. Subsequently, the image of an ordinary hardworking guy remained with Rybnikov. The screen star dreamed of trying on a different image, but the directors were in no hurry to give him roles of a different plan. Gradually, the work for him became less and less. They didn’t want to work with a celebrity for good reason.

With age, Nikolai Nikolaevich’s appearance worsened. The actor was aging rapidly, moreover, he was rapidly gaining weight, which further aggravated the situation. The state of health of the star left much to be desired: he did not live to be 60 and before his death it seemed that his mother would not have recognized him. You can check this when you view the latest project in which Rybnikov appeared. This is the film “Get Out!”, Which was released after the artist’s death.

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