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The shops are empty! It will get worse

The head of the UK’s Food and Beverage Federation said that “the days when UK consumers could expect to buy from supermarket shelves almost any product they want and when they want are a thing of the past, writes money.bg.

The media in the island quoted the statement of the executive director of the food control body Ian Wright, according to whom the crisis is now over and the old days may never return.

The panic on the island is growing, the military has begun to mobilize drivers!

There are two reasons. Brexit and the ongoing pandemic. According to Wright, the continuing shortage of truck drivers in the country is partly due to the fact that they are increasingly moving to online retailers such as Amazon and Tesco.

“These jobs usually offer better working hours and higher pay,” Wright said. He emphasized that the British supply sector was already missing about half a million of its four million employees.

“Part of the deepening crisis is also coming from EU citizens leaving the UK amid the pandemic, Brexit and visas,” he added.

Many companies have reported huge problems in supply chains in recent months, leaving some store shelves completely empty. More and more restaurants are forced to remove various dishes from their menus.

“No, the situation will not improve. It will only get worse,” said the representatives of the British food chains.

According to them, the result of the labor shortage is that the system that maintained supermarkets, shops and restaurants in the way that food arrived on the shelves or in the kitchen no longer exists.

Unfortunately, there are more and more examples of this. Last week, most of the east of England ran out of bottled water. Suppliers are already forced to make decisions to give priority to those products that bring them higher profits.

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