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The shopping centers in Val-d’oise prepare to reopen

“It was the marking on the floor, installed the hydroalcoholic gel : we are ready to welcome our customers from Monday, for 10 hours! “Thierry, owner of two shops of optics at the shopping center the Grand valley, L’isle-Adam, has been hard at work these past few weeks. This re-opening, he was waiting for a long time. As soon as this Monday, all the commercial centers of less than 40 000 m2 are allowed to reopen. In the Val-d’oise, this covers the quasi-totality of sites, with the exception of shopping centres Art of living, Eragny-sur-Oise, The 3 Fontaines, in Cergy, My Place, Sarcelles, and Aéroville in Roissy-en-France, the size of which is more important. These should be the subject of a derogation from the prefecture to start to work again. Some seem to have obtained it.

The centres of smaller size have been able to anticipate more easily the customers back, in new conditions, since their re-opening was announced by the Prime minister at the end of April, during his speech on the déconfinement. The Great Val, all the shops also seem to be ready for it. “They have all made improvements and small jobs during the week,” says an officer at the site. This Saturday, the ribbons of security, limited access to commercial galleries, the clients are only allowed to go to the hypermarket. But on Monday all this will be a distant memory.

“It will take probably several months so that we can regain all our customers “

“It will take probably several months so that we can regain all our clients, but I think that there will still be people from the first day “, hopes to Thierry. The optician has not spared its efforts to get all the equipment that will enable him to implement the new health standards. “The more complicated it was to find the available equipment, gloves, products, but now everything is unlocked,” he says. We are going to spend a lot of time to apply each day cleaning procedures. But we have machines that will enable us to be as effective as possible. “The trader has already planned to propose a system of appointments, in order to limit the waiting time. “Our customers can book a spot on the Internet if they want to be taken care of immediately. “

In other shops of the Grand Val, some sellers have prepared posters detailing the security measures that are in force from Monday. The shops also seem to do their maximum to try to attract a clientele whose coming is uncertain. “We are pleased to see you again,” says so in big letters painted on its window this shoe store. Its competitor has already announced of balances ” – 50 % “. Remains to be seen whether the visitors will be tempted by sneakers or a little further for those bathing suits, without the certainty of being able to use them quickly.

As for the very large centres over 40, 000m2, for the moment, their future is not known. The managers of the Three fountains seemed to be waiting for a permission that is not, however, fallen so far. To this day, only My place, Sarcelles, announces that it reopens also on Monday. Art de vivre Eragny also picks up the service.

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