Tento článek pojednává o kontroverzních masových šatech, které zpěvačka Lady Gaga nosila na jedné události. Šaty vyvolaly různé reakce a interpretace, od odsuzujících až po obdivující. Zpěvačka sama tvrdila, že chtěla poukázat na důležitost boje za svá práva a proti diskriminaci.
Šaty samotné byly po události ošetřeny a v současnosti jsou vystaveny v rock’n’rollové síni slávy v Clevelandu.Lady Gaga’s meat dress, which she wore to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, caused quite a stir in the fashion world. The dress, made of raw meat, was designed by Franc Fernandez and became the subject of much controversy and debate.
The dress was made from real meat, but it was a memorable experience to wear. Underneath the meat, there was a corset to which the meat was attached. It wasn’t just thrown on me, they didn’t just cross their fingers and hope it stayed in place.
The model received various labels in the press, such as “shocking” and “extravagant.” There were also different interpretations of what the singer was trying to convey. Many saw it as a commentary on the sexualization of women, who are often treated as nothing more than “pieces of meat.” Some even suggested that the meat on bare skin was a reminder of the mortality of individuals.
Lady Gaga faced criticism from animal rights organizations, with PETA calling the dress “offensive” and stating that it would anger more people than it would impress.
Lady Gaga herself stated that she didn’t mean to harm anyone with the dress, but rather to show that everyone should fight for what they believe in. She used the dress to make a statement about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the US military, which she believed discriminated against homosexuals.
As for the fate of the meat dress after its brief moment of fame, it was treated with chemicals to dry it out and preserve it. It is now on display at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, where it has reportedly shriveled and turned gray over the years.Na snímku je Lady Gaga na koncertě v Las Vegas v roce 2013, kde má na sobě kontroverzní šaty vyrobené z masa. Tato odvážná módní volba vyvolala mnoho diskuzí a kontroverze. Lady Gaga tvrdila, že tímto způsobem chtěla upozornit na různé společenské problémy a bojovat za svá práva. Nicméně, tato módní volba vyvolala kritiku ze strany organizací na ochranu zvířat a také od lidí, kteří považovali tento model za urážlivý. Lady Gaga však trvala na tom, že chtěla prostřednictvím těchto šatů vyjádřit své přesvědčení a bojovat za své hodnoty.