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The shocking images of New York deserted on Black Friday due to the pandemic

New York dawns practically deserted in full Black Friday. First thing in the morning, the city streets have appeared absolutely lonely after a Thanksgiving disrupted by the pandemic of coronavirus.

A festive day that the United States has experienced this year in an atypical way, among recommendations from the health authorities of avoid travel and large meetings, after a week in which more than a million new cases were registered.

The feeling of soledad moved this Friday to Times Square and the streets of the Big Apple, where in past years there were scenes of authentic frenzy consumerist, with fast-paced races to grab the juiciest Black Friday sales.

This year, however, to the holiday – with people out of town and Midtown office spaces closed – is added the fear of virus, which has led many to avoid physical stores and choose to make their online shopping.

So, the iconic Macy’s stores were now practically empty, as seen in the photograph that accompanies these lines, away from the scenes of crowds hunting for 2019 bargains.

This, when the country -the most affected in the world in number of infections and deaths- already adds about 13 million cases of COVID-19 (12,886,202, since the beginning of the health crisis) and 263,462 fatalities.

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