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The Shock of Hundreds of Students in Ponorogo Pregnant Out of Marriage, This Can Have an Effect


The Religious Court (PA) of Ponorogo received 191 requests for children to marry early in 2022. Most of the reasons for the dispensation were because the child got pregnant first and gave birth.

Reported detikJateng, in terms of education level, the most children with junior high school education are the most applying for dispensation of marriage. The total reached 106 cases. Others, last education in elementary school totaled 54 cases, high school 25 cases, and did not go to school 6 cases.

Health experts strongly discourage teenagers who are still in school to marry. There are many health risks that lurk, especially if women are pregnant and give birth in their teens.

Adolescence is a transitional period marked by unstable emotional turmoil and is also known as the melting of self-identity. An unstable mental condition will affect the relationship between husband and wife, there will be many conflicts that will occur and result in divorce if each individual cannot control himself.

The following are the risks that can occur when pregnant out of wedlock, quoted by detikcom from various sources:

1. The risk of children born prematurely

Obgyn specialist Dr. Arietta Pusponegoro, SpOG emphasized that in teenage pregnancies or under the age of 20, the risk of premature rupture of membranes is greater. When the waters rupture prematurely, the baby is forced to be born prematurely. Premature babies have a greater risk of experiencing health problems and of course also require more treatment costs.

“This means that the baby is not ready to live outside the mother’s womb because the organs are not yet mature,” said Dr. Arietta.

2. Low birth weight

A child born prematurely means not fully developed while in the womb.

Body weight can also be lower than it should be. Various studies have linked children with low birth weight with conditions ranging from being more prone to depression, passiveness, risk of developing type-2 diabetes, to decreased levels of intelligence.

3. Stunting!

Pregnancy in mothers aged 20 years and under can trigger stunting or short growth in children. This can happen due to various factors, but in essence, the mother’s nutritional intake is not sufficiently met during pregnancy.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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