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the shock of extremes for Dijon which receives the leader Lille

15th day of Ligue 1 football this Wednesday evening! The DFCO, always last in the standings but in clear progress with a current series of three games without defeats, receives the leader Lille. The shock of extremes in the face of Northerners who assert themselves more and more as very serious outsiders to PSG in this championship.

The DFCO not let go in the standings

In the event of victory and favorable results on the other lawns, the Dijonnais still in contact, can even hope to leave the red zone. After all, they are only one point away from Reims (19th) and two from Nîmes (18th), Lorient (17th) and Strasbourg (16th).

“With very little space they can put a goal”

In theory it seems simple but on the ground it will be much more difficult. The young defender Sacha Boey, 20, knows it well. “We play against a very big team from Lille, a team that goes quickly forward with confident players, we know that with very little space they are able to put in a goal or deliver a magnificent pass”.

Sacha Boey (left) and Didier Ndong (right) supervise Neymar during a match between DFCO and PSG in October 2020 © Maxppp
Christophe Petit Tesson

Maintaining can also be played on the goal average

But to hope to extricate itself from 20th place and get back into slightly less dangerous waters of the championship, it will at least be necessary to win this first match at home after which the DFCO has been running since the start of the season. Assistant coach Jérôme Monnier is very lucid: “Anyway for us each match is an opportunity, each point, each match counts because a maintenance can also be played with the goal-average (…) we all hope for this victory because we feel that we are on the tipping point “.

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