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The Shape of a 2-Month Pregnant Belly When Sitting and its Physical Changes During Pregnancy


Pregnancy makes physical changes in women, one of the most obvious is the shape of the stomach. From month to month, the size of the stomach will increase.

In this article, we will review how a 2-month pregnant belly forms when sitting and in the following months of pregnancy. In addition, also get to know the physical changes during pregnancy and the difference with a distended stomach.

The Shape of a 2 Month Pregnant Stomach When Sitting

Two months of pregnancy is included in the first trimester of pregnancy. The shape of a 2 month pregnant belly while sitting may still not be visible.

Reporting from newtonbaby.com, pregnancies in the first trimester (months 1 to 3) are mostly invisible even though a small lump has appeared. Some women may not feel it because everyone’s condition is different.

Pregnant Belly Shape from Month to Month

Still from newtonbaby.com, here we review in full the shape of the stomach and the size of the fetus during pregnancy from month to month.

First Trimester

The first trimester is month 1 to 3 or week 1 to week 12. As explained above, a pregnant belly at this age is still not visible even though there is a small lump.

You may also start to notice a difference when you wear pants.

The size of the fetus at this time is still very small, which is up to about 3 inches at the 12th week. Meanwhile, the size of the uterus can be as big as a grapefruit, but when viewed physically, the stomach only shows a small lump.

Second Trimester

The second trimester is from the 4th to the 7th month or from the 13th to the 27th week. At this time, you will actually see a lump in the stomach.

At the start of the second trimester, other people may already be able to see your pregnancy and by the end of the trimester, your belly will have gotten bigger.

The size of the fetus at this time grows from 4 inches to around 15 inches by the end of the second trimester. The uterus will grow to the size of a papaya so that it does not fit in the pelvis.

In this trimester, the position of the uterus is in the middle between the navel and the breast.

Third Trimester

The third trimester is from the 8th to the 10th month or the 28th to the 40th week. You will look like you are carrying a small basketball under your clothes.

Your baby will grow to about 18-20 inches. Meanwhile, your uterus will grow as big as a watermelon.

The uterus will extend from the pubic area to below the rib cage. You may feel heartburn or shortness of breath as your uterus pushes against your bladder, lungs, and stomach.

Physical Changes in Pregnant Women

Apart from the shape of the stomach, there are several physical changes experienced by pregnant women, including changes in the breasts and skin. The following are some of the changes, as reported by the Ministry of Health’s website.

Breast Changes

Pregnant women will experience changes in the breasts. Sometimes your breasts will feel swollen due to the growing mammary glands.

These milk glands enlarge and store fat in preparation for you to feed your baby when it is born.

Weight Changes

Pregnant women will experience weight changes.

1st trimester, your body weight will increase 1.5 kg to 2 kg 2nd trimester, your body weight will increase 4 kg to 6 kg 3rd trimester, your body weight will increase 6 kg to 8 kg Total weight gain during pregnancy which is around 11.5 kg to 16 kg

Skin Changes

Pregnant women will experience changes in the skin in several parts of the body due to excess pigment.

For example around the nose, both cheeks, around the nipples and areola mammae, and above the pubic bone to the navel.

The Difference between Pregnant and a Distended Stomach

Even though the shape of the 2 month pregnant belly when sitting is not very visible, in the following months the size of the stomach will look bigger.

Some people find it difficult to distinguish between a pregnant belly and a distended belly because they are both enlarged.

To differentiate, consider some of the following differences as reported by focusonyourchild.com.

1. Pregnant Belly Firmer

The difference between a pregnant woman’s belly and a distended or fat belly is the tightness problem.

The stomach of pregnant women is tighter from the first trimester. While the belly of a distended person is looser and can be easily pinched.

2. Pregnant belly grows at the bottom

Pregnant women’s belly grows bigger at the bottom. Meanwhile, a distended stomach results from the accumulation of fat in the upper abdomen.

3. Layered Fat Stomach

As in the first point, pregnant women’s stomach is tighter so it doesn’t look layered, even when sitting. Meanwhile, a fat stomach will look layered, especially when sitting.

4. Pregnant Belly Heavier

A pregnant woman’s stomach contains a growing baby, which makes it heavier. Pregnant women will feel the burden on the lower back and find it difficult to walk.

Thus, we already know that the shape of a 2-month pregnant belly while sitting is still not very visible, maybe no one even realizes your pregnancy.

The pregnant belly starts to really show in the second trimester. I hope this information is helpful.

Watch Video “Only 55% of Pregnant Women Get Tested for HIV, Ministry of Health: Some Don’t Get Husband’s Permission”


2023-07-08 23:00:18
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