Home » today » World » The Seville City Council reinforces the aid strategy for the rehabilitation of religious heritage with a new investment program in the San José Chapel, Santa Isabel and Carmen de Calatrava

The Seville City Council reinforces the aid strategy for the rehabilitation of religious heritage with a new investment program in the San José Chapel, Santa Isabel and Carmen de Calatrava

The mayor of Seville, Antonio Muñoz, will submit to the extraordinary municipal plenary session next Friday a proposal to reinforce the strategy of rehabilitation and enhancement of the city’s religious heritage through the contribution, via agreement and nominative subsidies, of 85,000 euros for actions in the Chapel of San José, the Convent of Santa Isabel and the Chapel of Carmen de Calatrava during this 2022, and which will continue in 2023 with another 105,000 euros planned for these three buildings. The new aid program for 2022 is possible after joint work by the Urban Planning and Environment Management, the Presidency and Treasury Delegation and the Casco Antiguo District.

“With this new multiannual program of municipal aid, we want to continue contributing to the restoration of the religious heritage of the city given that the situation of some of the buildings is worrying and even alarming. The religious orders manage scarce economic resources to deal with the rehabilitation of the impressive architectural and artistic heritage of the convents and churches, hence this decisive support from the City Council”, as explained by the mayor.

Specifically, for the chapel of San José (of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor) 60,000 are contemplated this year and another 60,000 in 2023 to complete the restoration of the mural paintings of the vault closest to the transept, whose first two phases also included with municipal contribution: 360,000 euros.

For the Convent of Santa Isabel (of the Congregation of Philippians Nuns) urgent interventions will be carried out on its Renaissance façade, as well as for the replacement of the floor of the church, with a municipal collaboration of 15,000 euros in the year 2022 and another 20,000 for the next 2023.

Meanwhile, the patrimonial intervention in the Capilla del Carmen de Calatrava (of the brotherhood of the same name) will consist of the elimination of humidity and the restoration of the facades of the 17th century chapel. In total, they are 10,000 euros in 2022 and another 25,000 euros for the next year.

In addition to these three religious buildings, which have the corresponding agreements signed by the Urban Planning and Environment Management with their respective religious congregations, work is being done to close agreements that enable restoration and rehabilitation work for the Convent of Santa Inés (Poor Clares). and the Puerta de Córdoba attached to the Church of San Hermenegildo (Brotherhood of San Hermenegildo) and which is part of the Macarena Wall.

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