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The Severity of Influenza: Which Strain is the Most Dangerous?

Due to the influenza epidemic currently spreading There are both influenza A and influenza B strains, which raises the question of which strain of influenza is the most severe. And can it be prevented?

The name Flu may not sound as scary as COVID-19. But in reality, it is more serious than you think. Associate Professor (Special) Dr. Thawee Chotipitayasunon The president of the Foundation for the Promotion of Influenza Education revealed that during the rainy season of 2023, there has been an increase in influenza outbreaks over the past 3 years, which is during the COVID-19 period. is spreading throughout the world causing people to stay indoors Be careful about hygiene. The chance of spreading influenza is reduced.

In addition, fewer people are vaccinated against influenza. Makes the body not immune But the flu virus is still circulating sparingly. When the COVID-19 outbreak subsides, society returns to normal. clearly causing more influenza patients to be found The latest information from the Department of Disease Control reveals that in 2023, more than 200,000 Thai people have been infected with influenza and there is no trend of decreasing. Because Thai people don’t have it yet. ‘Immunity’ to influenza

Which strain of influenza is the most severe?

Influenza is an infectious disease of the respiratory system. that is caused by The “influenza virus” causes infected people to have a high fever, headache, body temperature, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and body aches. by the influenza virus which at present can be considered “The most insidious” and affecting people in our society the most There will be 2 species:

1. Influenza A virus

It is the most dangerous species. Because it can mutate It can also spread widely. Make the germs a hybrid. and has strong effects The influenza A virus usually spreads during the rainy and winter seasons. Which can be divided into 2 common subspecies: H1N1 and H3N2.

Influenza A and B strains are the most prevalent strains. But the most severe symptoms are influenza A.

2. Influenza B virus

It is a very dangerous species as well. The most common ones are B Victoria, B Yamagata, B Phuket, which can spread both in the rainy and winter seasons as well. But the symptoms are not as severe as influenza A.

flu symptoms

As for the symptoms of influenza, the symptoms are usually no different from those of the common cold. But there is more violence. The signs indicate that the symptoms we are experiencing are not the common cold. But it’s the flu, which consists of:

Have a fever higher than 38 degrees and have a headache and chills. Tired, has a runny nose. stuffy nose, sore throat There is a cough, muscle aches on the body, arms, legs, and body. In young children, there are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and convulsions from high fever.

Most influenza symptoms last 5 days. Symptoms last longer than that. It may be caused by a bacterial infection, complications found in some cases.

Who is at risk for influenza?

It must be said that everyone is a risk group that can be infected with influenza. Because it is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, talking and inhaling droplets containing the virus into the body. Which is very easy to get infected – how little depends on 2 factors: the severity and amount of the infection. together with our physical condition If the body is not strong Even if the virus is not aggressive and has a small amount, it may become infected and eventually become influenza. Especially in the following risk groups: must be more careful Because there is the greatest chance of severe complications.

Elderly people are the group most at risk for influenza that need to be monitored the most. Because life-threatening complications may occur, pregnant women, young children aged 6 months to 2 years, people aged 65 years and over, patients with chronic diseases such as COPD, asthma, heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, diabetes, thalassemia, and cancer. who is undergoing chemotherapy Mentally disabled people who cannot help themselves People with impaired immune systems and HIV-infected people who weigh more than 100 kilograms or have a body mass index of more than 35 kilograms per square meter.

The group that must be especially wary of influenza infection is the elderly. Because there is a higher chance of death than other age groups. If you are sick with the flu Complications that may follow And the number one cause of highest severity is ‘pneumonia’, followed by heart attack and acute myocardial infarction. and cerebrovascular disease (stroke)

How to prevent influenza infection

You should not be in close contact with patients who have flu symptoms. You should cover your mouth and nose with a mask. Avoid being in crowded places. and poor ventilation for long periods of time without needing to wash hands frequently with water and soap Or use alcohol gel to clean your hands. Do not share items with others such as drinking glasses, drinking straws, food spoons, hand towels, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. Get vaccinated against influenza once a year. Especially at-risk patients

Therefore, the question of which strain of influenza is the most severe? I must say that both species are violent. Although strain B has less severe symptoms, But you shouldn’t be careless. Especially people who are at risk. The best way is to protect yourself from infection. Including receiving an annual influenza vaccination.

References: Phyathai Hospital, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand

2023-10-15 09:05:15

#strain #influenza #severe #symptoms #prevented

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