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The seven regions with the severest, highest risk level…

The Netherlands has four levels of risk of contracting the coronavirus. From low to high, it is alert, alarming, very serious and dangerous. Currently, there are ten regions at the lowest level, awake, while the other fifteen regions are a step ahead, worrying. Two numbers determine the level of risk in an area: the number of positive tests and the number of hospitalizations. Population is taken into account. The number of hospital stays is fairly stable at present, but the number of new cases continues to rise, and the higher of the two determines the level of risk.

Amsterdam-Amstland is one of the biggest fires. Last week, 541.5 out of every 100,000 people tested positive. On Sunday, the region set a national record with more than 1,600 positive tests within 24 hours. In the municipality of Amsterdam itself, 1 in 183 residents were told last week that they had the coronavirus. In late June, a week before cafes and discotheques were allowed to reopen, one in 3,096 Amsterdam residents tested positive.

In the municipality of Groningen, the coronavirus was diagnosed last week in 1 in 108 people. In the week before the last relaxation, this happened to 1 in 6,173 Stadjers. That’s an increase of 5,620 percent in about two weeks.

With all these new cases, the areas of Amsterdam-Amstland and Groningen are particularly dangerous, as are the regions of Utrecht, Rotterdam, Reigenmund, Kennemerland, Joy in Fichstreech and Hollands Maiden.

The thirteen regions classified as “severe”, one step below, are Haaglanden, Twente, Central and West Brabant, Zaanstreek-Waterland, Brabant-Southeast, Gelderland-South, North and East Gelderland, IJsselland, and Gelderland-Central, South South Holland, North North Holland, North Brabant and Friesland. Other regions, which have been assigned interest status, are Flevoland, South Limburg, Drenthe, North Limburg and Zeeland.

On Thursday, the ECDC will also issue a new Corona Card. The Netherlands is still pretty orange in this regard, with some green areas here and there thanks to the Corona weather which ended just over a week ago. On the new map of the Corona outbreak in Europe, North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht and Groningen will likely turn red. As a result of this card, other countries can advise their citizens not to come to the Netherlands, and they can set strict conditions for Dutch citizens who want to come and celebrate the holidays.

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