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the Setterosa wins the bronze medal – OA Sport


20.19 Thanks for following us and see you at the next live!

20.17 In front of about 1000 spectators, numerical superiority for Italy: 5/11 + 1 penalty while for Holland 6/12. Five goals for Bianconi, four for Giustini, three for Picozzi, two Avegno, one for Palmieri and Viacava. Silipo sent off in the fourth time.

20.15 Match fought from start to finish, with the Dutch who in the final of the third quarter were two goals ahead, but the Setterosa in the last quarter comes out great by winning all the duels.

It ends here, Italy-Holland 16-13, bronze medal won by the Setterosa.

0.17 Gooooooooooooooooooooooooool, Giustiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, empty door, Italy-Holland 16-13.

0.45 Shot on the bottom of Holland.


0.58 Penalty for Italy.

1.23 Italy coach expelled for a foul whistled against Cocchiere.

1.39 Goooooooooooooooooool, Picozzi, cross shot, Italy-Holland 14-13.

2.03 Holland’s mistake.

3.35 Bettini pole.

4.07 Joustra’s network, draw, Italy-Holland 13-13.

4.23 Goooooooooooooooool, Bianconi, long distance goal, Italy-Holland 13-12.

4.30 Sevenich crossroads.

5.19 Gooooooooooooooooooooool, Giustini, draw, Italy-Netherlands 12-12.

5.48 Gooooooooooooooooooool, Bianconi, minus one from the draw, Italy-Holland 11-12.

7.08 Deviation on the bottom of Tabani.

7.55 The last quarter begins, Holland wins the sprint.

The third quarter ends, Italy-Holland 10-12.

0.29 Keuning network, Italy surprise, Italy-Holland 10-12.

0.32 Great parade by Banchelli on Sleeking.

1.31 Sleeking net, precise diagonal, Italy-Holland 10-11.

1.53 Goooooooooooooooooooooool, Viacava, reiterates after the crossbar by Bettini, Italy-Netherlands 10-10.

2.38 Bianconi’s shot blocked by the goalkeeper.

3.40 Ball on the bottom of Bianconi.

4.33 Pallonetto out of Bettini.

5.26 Cross of Picozzi.

5.56 Sleeking goal, Dutch advantage, Italy-Holland 9-10.

6.37 Van de Kraats network, double numerical superiority, Italy-Holland 9-9.

7.17 Gooooooooooooooooool, Giustini, cross shot, Italy-Holland 9-8.

7.55 The third quarter begins, Italy wins the sprint.

The second quarter ends, Italy-Holland 8-8.

0.01 Van Der Sloot goal, draw the result, Italy-Holland 8-8.

0.50 Van Der Kraats network, take advantage of the superiority, Italy-Holland 8-7.

1.02 Banchelli avoids a network.

1.59 Moolhuijzen network, shorten the result, Italy-Holland 8-6.

2.29 Gooooooooooooooool, Picozzi, spectacular network, Italy-Holland 8-5.

2.50 Banchelli saves a Sevenich shot.

3.21 Save on the Dutch line.

3.55 Wrong shot by Bianconi.

4.34 Goooooooooooool, Bianconi, missile that goes off in the door, Italy-Holland 7-5.

5.12 Van Der Kraats goal, accurate shot, Italy-Holland 6-5.

6.00 Holland cross.

6.15 Cergol shot rejected.

7.03 Goooooooooooool, Bianconi, shooting at the corner of the goalposts, Italy-Holland 6-4.

7.17 Shot out of Ten Broek.

7.55 The second quarter begins, Italy wins the sprint.

The first quarter ends, Italy-Holland 5-4.

0.19 Gooooooooooooool, Giustini, accurate shot, Italy-Holland 5-4.

0.45 Joustra’s goal, conclusion from two meters, Italy-Holland 4-4.

1.09 Bettini sends the shot to the post.

2.18 Cross of the OIanda.

2.45 High shot by Giustini.

3.40 Gooooooooooooool, Palmieri, still let it go, Italy-Holland 4-3.

3.54 Sevenich close to the network.

4.46 Sevenich network, restarting quickly, Italy-Netherlands 3-3.

5.00 Crossing of Cergol.

5.44 Goooooooooooool, Avegno, take advantage of an advanced position of the goalkeeper, Italy-Holland 3-2.

5.59 Keuning’s goal, crushed on goal, Italy-Netherlands 2-2.

6.29 Gooooooooooooooool, Picozzi, spectacular goal after a stolen ball, Italy-Netherlands 2-1.

6.50 Van Der Kraats network, Dutch response immediately, Italy-Holland 1-1.

7.30 Gooooooooooooooooool, Avegno, nice start of the Setterosa, Italy-Holland 1-0.

7.55 The first quarter begins, Italy wins the first sprint!

18.55 National anthems in progress.

18.50 In five minutes there will be the national anthems.

18.45 Holland with: 1 Aarts 2 Wolves 3 Sleeking 4 Van der Sloot 5 Keuning 6 v 7 Rye 8 Sevenich 9 Joustra 10 Voorvelt 11 Moolhuijzen 12 Ten Broek 13 Van den Dobbelsteen

18.40 The Setterosa looks like this: 1 Condorelli 2 Tabani 3 Cergol 4 Avegno 5 Giustini 6 Bettini 7 Picozzi 8 Bianconi9 Palmieri 10 Marletta 11 Coachman 12 Viacava 13 Banchelli.

18.35 Italy defeated in the semifinal against Greece, challenge the Netherlands defeated by Spain in the other semifinal.

18.30 Good evening and welcome to the live Italy-Holland match for the women’s water polo bronze.

Good evening and welcome to the LIVE LIVE text of Italy-Holland waterpolo, European Championships 2022, the Setterosa wants at least the bronze.

The Settler after an amazing group with the successes against Slovakia, Spain, Serbia, Israel and France. The Italian national race for the gold medal stops in the semifinal against Greece. There remains the challenge for the bronze medal against the Netherlands defeated in the semifinals by Spain.

The blue called: Lucrezia Cergol (Water Polo Trieste), Roberta Bianconi (Fiamme Oro / CSS Verona), Caterina Banchelli (RN Florentia), Chiara Tabani, Silvia Avegno, Giuditta Galardi, Sofia Giustini, Domitilla Picozzi, Agnese Cocchiere and Luna Di Claudio (SIS Rome ), Valeria Palmieri, Claudia Marletta, Giulia Viacava, Aurora Condorelli and Dafne Bettini (Ekipe Orizzonte).

Event: Italy-Holland waterpolo, European Championships 2022.
Data: 09/09/2022
Hours: 19.00
TV Channel and Streaming: Raiplay and Rai Sport HD.

OA Sport offers you LIVE LIVE from Italy-Holland waterpolo, European Championships 2022: news in real time and constant updates. Start at 19:00. Good fun!

Photo: Lapresse

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