Home » today » News » The service sector concentrates 76% of the workers affected by the ERTE in Asturias | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The service sector concentrates 76% of the workers affected by the ERTE in Asturias | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

He 88,56% of temporary employment regulation files (FOR HIM) presented in Asturias since the beginning of the health crisis and the 76% of the workers who have had their hours reduced or suspended belong to the service sector. These are the latest figures from the General Directorate of Employment and Training of the Ministry of Industry, which rises to 12.177 the files presented in the last month and a half.

Thus, activities related to the service sector have been the most affected by the paralysis of the economy, with 34,848 regulated workers since the beginning of state of alarm, last March 14. Specifically, the companies of hospitality and hospitality and retail have taken organizational measures for more than 13,000 employees. The incidence is also relevant among hairdressers and beauty centers and vehicle repair and sales businesses, with 3,121 and 1,407 regulated workers, respectively.

As for the other sectors, the Business industrial have presented 978 files with 8,730 people involved; construction, 198 applications and 1,717 people; and those of the primary sector, 36 regulations and 249 affected employees. Another 47 files with 358 workers have not determined the activity.

On the other hand, of the total figure of FOR HIM filed (12,177), have already been processed 11.008 (90.4%), which affect 45,902 workers while by type of files 10,638 are adjusted to causes of force majeure and involve 39,692 workers, while 542 have justified other causes and affect 6,210 people.

One million euros in guarantees

In parallel, Asturgar has given the green light to something more than a million euros in guarantees to 18 companies that employ 108 workers. The companies are located in Gijón (8), Oviedo (4), Avilés (3), Siero, Grado and Villamayor.

Inside of support line to the liquidity of SMEs and the self-employed affected by the crisis of COVID-19, 23 companies They have already processed and approved their guarantee for a global amount of 1,050,000 euros. They are only at awaiting the formalization of the loan by the bank they have chosen.

In 2020, the Reciprocal Guarantee Society has approved a total of 61 endorsements for a total amount of almost 3.5 million euros SMEs and regional freelancers who contribute to the maintenance of 323 jobs.

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