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The SEP fails to form the New Mexican School from above

For Teresita Garduño Rubio, expert pedagogue and director of the Paidós active school, the country’s teachers must insist before the authorities that as long as the State’s educational projects are not built from below and include the experiences of each region of the country, teaching will not It will be neither emancipatory nor transformative.

At the invitation of section 9 of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), Garduño offered a virtual conference in which he stated that the New Mexican School (NEM) left out the experiences and proposals that teachers and students have developed in their schools to respond to their needs.

Therefore, no matter how much the SEP wants, from above, to decide the transformation with new educational products, the schools are not going to be transformed, because the leadership is not being transmitted from below nor is it recognized. And that is a very strong claim that I have against the NEM.he asserted.

He regretted that the NEM had not included the proposals of the rural normal schools, the intercultural school of Chiapas, the CNTE and Zapatismo, among others.

And that is something that we need to form and explain, rather, and we require, colleagues, to insist to the State that as long as its proposals are generated from above, although we may agree, as long as there is no recognition of the schools’ own regional proposals, the transformation is not goingassured Garduño Rubio.

He explained that each school and educational project is different due to its makeup, its history and that of the teachers and students who participate in it. “That school, where they build cultures, thoughts, territories, makes each campus different. And that is a fundamental starting point. Schools cannot be equal.

What we want is to change the school. Because? Because the neoliberal, rote, repressive, rigid, sclerosed school has not helped to emancipate. That is a realityheld.

Teachers with years of experience and knowledge in the classrooms, along with students and families, are the ones who must propose the ways in which their educational needs can be met, and this is not considered by the NEM, he insisted.

Own strategies

“If on my campus, whether inside or outside, there have been bullying problems, I have to address the issue at school, because it is something that worries us. If they have had problems of violence in the family, I have to treat them to consolidate, make the children strong so that they can face it. And that is a problem that creates its own strategies, its own paths, times, places. And we have to give ourselves permission to do it.he shared with the teachers.

I believe that emancipation comes from below, from what each school decides. And I invite you to do it at your school. And if they already did it, write it, publish it, share it and show it to others.called the specialist.

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#SEP #fails #form #Mexican #School

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