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The Sensitive Issue of Tolerating New Cabinet Formation Causes Unrest Within VVD

The issue of whether or not to tolerate the new cabinet formation remains a sensitive issue within the VVD. According to political journalist Coen van de Ven, it is causing unrest within the party. He tells this in the radio program Sven op 1 of Omroep WNL.

VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz indicated immediately after the results of the November 22 elections that he did not want to participate in the cabinet. She only saw a position of tolerance. That decision caused a split within the liberals, where one group applauds Yeşilgöz’s decision and the other calls on her to take back the decision to tolerate and join the government.

Difficult choice Yeşilgöz

The VVD leader faces a difficult decision. “The great thing about the choice she faces, which also contains a kind of tragedy, is that she has to choose between two movements that have always been in that party and sooner or later will collide with each other,” says Van de Ven.

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When Mark Rutte still held the liberal sway, he managed to keep the two movements from fighting each other out for about 17 years. “Now they are fully emerging and if Yeşilgöz rigorously agrees with one movement, she alienates the others and loses the pillars on which this party rests.”

Two movements within the VVD

The two movements Van de Ven is referring to are, as he describes, the liberals and the popular conservatives. “The liberal current insists on the rule of law and individual rights. They are a bit more liberal and are generally more progressive or a bit more left-wing,” Van de Ven explains.

The political journalist says that popular conservatives do not have a “very well-thought-out conservatism”, but that it is more of a pragmatic conservatism that is often concerned with popular sentiment and what is going on in society. “And with what is often called ‘the normal Dutch person’.”

Both “souls” are alive and well within the VVD and are both equally valuable in the success of the liberals, Van de Ven concludes.

Also read:

Atmosphere in the House of Representatives ‘gloomy’ after adopted motion by VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz

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Door: Vick ten Wolde

2023-12-25 12:00:00
#Unrest #VVD #increasing #Sooner #movements #collide

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