On Saturday, March 25, the Municipality of Dunakeszi invited the city’s age group over 65 to the Senior Screening Day, which was held for the second time this year. The creator and organizer of the screening day, Attila Csoma, a municipal representative and the chairman of the advisory board “We take care of the elderly”, shared his experiences when contacted by our newspaper.
- Two years ago, our advisory board prepared a questionnaire, in which an exceptionally high number of respondents – the elderly population of Dunakeszi – indicated to us that they would be happy to participate in regular screenings in the city. Filtering buses have visited Dunakeszi before and certain screenings could be organized in tents at some major events, but we wanted to raise the level in the area, explained the municipal representative.
Attila Csoma emphasized that Dunakeszi is in the fortunate position of owning and operating the local specialist clinic, which was approached with the idea of an all-day screening day.
– With the professional background of the specialist clinic, this year we were able to offer about thirteen specialist screenings to those interested, starting with the carotid doppler examination, bone density measurement, vision and hearing examinations, all the way to orthopedics. Screening participants were able to meet and consult with a specialist, thereby facilitating the decision regarding their own health. Those interested had to log in at a central phone number and book an appointment. An interested party could sign up for a basic screening and a specialist screening. We felt that the approximately one month time given for the application was sufficient. All of the specialist screenings have been completed – we learned from the chairman of the advisory board of We Care for the Elderly.
Analyzing the experiences of the extremely successful program, Attila Csoma also said that unfortunately every fifth elderly person among those registered did not show up for the screening, thus taking away the place from others.
– This shows us that next year we will have to refine the registration and feedback system. Overall, however, we can be satisfied with the event, which was mostly shown by the positive feedback of the participants. Enriched with this year’s experience, we would like to organize the screening day next year as well.
Thank you very much for the professional support of the Dunakesz Specialist Clinic, the Resident Services Department of the Dunakesz Mayor’s Office for the registration, and the helpers of the We Care for the Elderly advisory board for the help in the process! – said Attila Csoma, the originator and organizer of the senior screening day, who was congratulated by Mayor Csaba Dióssi, who visited the event, and his helpers.
(B. Szentmártoni)
Photo: Ádám Juhász, Deputy Mayor’s Facebook page of Dunakeszi Alag