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The Senate sues the governor of Texas for vehicle inspections

The Senate of Mexico, through its Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), claimed this Thursday for the measures that the governor of Texas, Republican Greg Abbott, ordered to apply to the border between Mexico and the United States.

Abbott has instructed trucks and buses seeking to cross from Mexico into the United States to undergo additional inspection, which has slowed traffic on border bridges and created a nuisance. The official made this decision in retaliation for the immigration policies of President Joe Biden, a Democrat, which he opposes.

In a letter sent to Abbott —as well as to the US Vice President, Kamala Harris—, the Senate Jucopo warns that these actions are negative for bilateral trade and do not solve the migration problems faced by both countries.

“The measures implemented by Governor Greg Abbott are not only affecting the costs of merchandise and the food and automotive supply chains, but also thousands of jobs and the quality of life of people who live on both sides of the border” , says the letter.

“This governing body of the Upper House strongly expresses its rejection and concern for the measures adopted by the Governor of Texas and calls for the restoration of the usual conditions of surveillance in commerce, as well as managing broader strategies that guarantee comprehensive security. of our common border”, he adds.

The Jucopo, chaired by Ricardo Monreal – Morena’s legislator and who spread the letter -, indicates that the Senate will follow up on the situation as the chamber responsible for reviewing Mexican foreign policy.

Yesterday, on a border bridge between Tamaulipas and Texas, men set fire to at least four vehicles, amid the congestion resulting from additional inspections.

Lee: Men set fire to 4 vehicles on the border bridge between Tamaulipas and Texas

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