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The self-proclaimed 3Dfx parent is Jansen Company

In July, the profile “3dfx Interactive @ 3dfxofficial” appeared on Twitter, which promises to return the company from the end of the month. However, it does it quite unconvincingly, as it uses seven-year-old graphics created by an unrelated 3Dfx fan, users have pointed out grammatical errors in the posts, and no one knows what such an entity could offer.

The Janf Company has now signed up to the 3Dfx brand, pretending to be the investment entity that has acquired the rights to the 3Dfx logos and materials. He announced that he is planning to release graphics cards this winter, followed by mobile phones, televisions and speakers.

This reduces the range of options originally considered to essentially two. The first is that it is trolling. This would be indicated by the name of the company (Jansen Company), which evokes the name of Nvidia’s CEO, Jen-Hsun / Jensen Huang. The second is that someone wondered how he could make some money out of the 3Dfx brand before it was completely forgotten. Simply order some generic GeForce or Radeons in China, have the 3Dfx logo affixed or sprayed on them and then sell. Same with smartphones and TVs.

Even in the case of the second option, however, it is not certain that the author of the idea will be able to complete it. The lack of professionalism is one of the steps so far, and even the current ones do not seem very convincing. Jansen Company has no past and no official information can be found about it yet. The second oddity is that the alleged company announced plans with the 3Dfx brand, which it has not yet registered.

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