An international economic fraternity award entitled “St. Francis of Assisi and Blessed Carlo Acutis” was recently launched. The judging commission of the award held a press conference in the Sala Marconi of the Department of Communication of the Holy See on the morning of December 5 to present the details of the selection activities.
(Vatican News Network)A selection campaign begins for the international fraternity’s economic prize under the name of “St. Francis of Assisi and Blessed Carlo Acutis”. The Judging Commission held a press conference on the morning of 5 December in the Aula Marconi of the Department of Communication of the Holy See to introduce the relevant topics of the second selection of the Prize, the deadline for which for the submission of applications is 31 December 2022.
The “St. Francis of Assisi and Blessed Carlo Acutis” International Friendship Award was established by the Stripped Pilgrimage Foundation of the Italian Diocese of Assisi, with the aim of honoring those Franciscans who “according to the Pope’s expectations” specific initiatives of the Economy”. These initiatives “promote a bottom-up economic process in a climate of fraternity, setting the example of an economy that spreads fraternity, humanity and solidarity”. The winner will receive a prize of 50,000 euros.
Bishop Domenico Sorrentino, Bishop of the Diocese of Assisi, spoke at the press conference. He explains: «The word economy comes from the Greek ‘house’ (οἶκος), which is also read as family welfare, and from the Greek ‘rule or law’ (νόμος). Therefore, without an economy of fraternity, there is no There is no real economy.” The true meaning of an economy “must be rediscovered” “to be lived, reconsidered and rediscovered” in its true meaning. San Francis of Assisi “placed all things in brotherhood, with the word brother he also called the sun brother, and with this universal word he united the universe and man”.
Archbishop Anthony Figueiredo, coordinator of the award, said: “Because this idea is right among us, people can understand the economy of friendship. Pope Francis often speaks of a throwaway culture, where men and women become profit seekers and consumers. Victims of a throwaway culture that sees the elderly, the poor and the handicapped as useless. Faced with a throwaway culture, we must go back to taking care of our common home. People often hold conference after conference, write paper after paper documents, but nothing more.
In conclusion, Archbishop Figueiredo concluded: “With this award we have taken a step forward. It helps to renew today’s thinking, from waste to an economy that creates life rather than destruction, inclusion rather than exclusion”.