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The Seine-Saint-Denis department is committed to saving the agricultural school of Vaujours

We must save the agricultural college Fénelon de Vaujours! The departmental council voted unanimously on Thursday a wish in session asking for the suspension of the project to close this private establishment. An initiative of the departmental councilor (FG) Dominique Dellac, elected in the constituency.

This establishment, run by Catholic education, trains 160 students each year in horticultural and environmental professions. However, according to management, a financial deficit of € 400,000 weighs on the accounts and endangers the entire school group – a general stream welcoming more than 2,000 students.

Justice seized

Members of the CSE (social and economic committee), staff representatives and teachers, took legal action and recently obtained a suspension of the termination of the contract for this school with the Ministry of Agriculture until the “strategic guidelines Are clearly presented by management.

In his wish, the elected officials of the department of all political sides, in addition to the suspension of one year of this closure project, also ask for the organization of a “round table bringing together all the actors concerned and affected by this closure , to study the different options for the future of the establishment ”.

A CSE in June

A new CSE must take place by the end of the month within the establishment, in order to satisfy the requirements of justice which requires that the financial motivations of the management be exposed to its members.

Note also that a petition of 5,500 signatories opposes this closure.

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