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The Sehati Clinic at Gang Sehat Health Center in Pontianak provides HIV-AIDS services

In order to streamline the horizontal referral process for government programs related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) services, BPJS Kesehatan Pontianak together with the City of Pontianak Health Bureau conducted the socialization to leaders of primary health facilities ( FKTP) in the Pontianak Urban Area online, Tuesday (15/15/2019).11).

Saptiko, chief of the Pontianak city health bureau, said HIV-AIDS is a global public health problem and is an infectious disease with a high mortality rate and the number of HIV-AIDS patients in the city of Pontianak has a trend that continues to increase every year.

“To maximize HIV-AIDS control and treatment, especially in the city of Pontianak, if all FKTPs find patients with HIV-AIDS characteristics, they can immediately horizontal refer to some of our FKTPs who can detect patients with HIV-AIDS HIV-AIDS,” Saptiko said.

Saptiko added that there are 5 community health centers in the city of Pontianak that can detect HIV-AIDS. The five puskesma are Gang Sehat Health Center, Komyos Soedarso Health Center, Bangka Village Health Center, Kampung Dalam Health Center and Siantan Hilir Health Center. All FKTPs accepting or early detecting HIV AIDS patients can make horizontal referrals for further testing at the 5 Community Health Centers.

Meanwhile, Pontianak City Health Bureau Health Service Branch Chief Nuzulisa Zulkifli added that among the five puskesmas, there is one that can already cure HIV-AIDS, namely the Gang Sehat Health Center, which has a special clinic for the treatment of HIV-AIDS, namely Sehati Clinic.

“The role of health services in tackling HIV-AIDS is very important in supporting people living with HIV-AIDS to be treated thoroughly. Gang Sehat Health Center Sehati Clinic is a health center active in HIV- AIDS in the City of Pontianak because it has been equipped with comprehensive support facilities to be able to carry out HIV-AIDS Treatment Supportive Treatment (PDP),” Nuzulisa explained.

He also added that Sehati Clinic is one of the innovations of health service in Pontianak city for HIV-AIDS patients, besides providing antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, Healthy Clinic also facilitates psychotherapy services by psychologists in the puskesmas for HIV-AIDS patients and their families, hopes that in the future all health centers in the Pontianak City area will be able to diagnose and even treat HIV-AIDS.

Meanwhile BPJS Acting Deputy (PPS) head Kesehatan Pontianak Branch Devi Dwi Yanti said that under existing regulations, health services for participants living with HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria and leprosy, and drug victims who require medical rehabilitation, the services are carried out at first level healthcare facilities falling within the capita rate and at advanced level healthcare facilities can still be requested according to the INA-CBG rate according to the existing mechanism in the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) , while medicines for some of the aforementioned diseases are programs already covered by the government.

“Through this joint socialization, it is hoped that horizontal referrals or referrals between other health care facilities at a level can work optimally in the future, so that all people have easy access to health services and become one of the reinforcers for the efforts to eradicate HIV-AIDS in the city of Pontianak in particular,” Devi concluded.**

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