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The Secret War on the Egyptian Currency: Who is Besieging Egypt and Why?

I wonder what is the secret of the siege of Egypt that is happening in the last few months? Why are there desperate attempts led by countries and groups to assassinate the Egyptian pound and ignite the dollar crisis? How will Egypt face the dark scenarios that are being prepared against the country?

We must know at the beginning that there are countries, international intelligence agencies, and suspicious groups that united at the same time to fail Egypt’s experiment, besiege the political leadership with problems and crises, and exhaust the state’s coffers through the dollar crisis, the decline in the value of the pound, and other economic problems.

Ok, what is the secret of the war on the Egyptian currency… and who is igniting the fires of the dollar in Egypt?

This is a very important question, and it is the focus of the whole story, because there are many parties inside and outside the country who remembered that the Egyptian pound fell and its knives multiplied, as the Egyptian proverb says, and the story is linked to each other, and the one who sells the black market to the dollar is the same one who fights the Egyptian currency, because the more the dollar is worth… Every pound its value goes down because the confrontation is direct from them.

The first people to burn the pound were currency traders, and under the currency traders, 100 lines were placed because they are not ordinary traders, but mafia countries, networks, and gangs intertwined with each other, and they have a network of interests, many parties, intermediaries, people who sell, people who buy, people who store, and on top of all of that, there are powerful minds that plan and direct the market and ignite the prices of the dollar and for everyone. One end is one end, but the means is the same, which is to collect the largest possible amounts from the market so that not a single dollar goes to the banks.

The first people to be obsessed with the dollar price are the same ones who have money like those of exchange companies, and those who operate a large underground network of boys and middlemen who collect dollars from the market and then sell them to importers, who consider the group to be the main reason for the rise in dollar prices, because in the first place they buy the dollar at any price, and in the second place, the reason is that they exchange it. They did not import the dollar. They occupied the dollar in the black market and kept storing it. Also, some of the importers took dollars from the banks according to their trade, but then they turned to the black market to earn many times the price, and then they came back to import and sell at a high price, which means they gained from every aspect, and we go to the third party that is interested in the American currency market, and they are merchants. Because they are the people who have the most money and countries, their story remains a story because they gained a lot from more than one aspect, the first of which is from imprisoning gold and raising its prices, and a gram of 21 reached 4 thousand pounds at one time, and their gains were imaginary to the point that the Gold Division attacked the goldsmiths’ merchants and said that they were speculating in prices, even if These prices are very exaggerated, and on the other hand, they use their gains to buy the dollar and resell it, and they have achieved great wealth.

Investigations by the security services revealed shocking details about the dollar mafia, including that, as we said, they are interconnected networks, including commodity merchants, wholesalers, and goldsmiths, along with businessmen and smugglers, and a big night. In the end, all of this is because the black market that we see has become a massive monster that swallows any dollar in the market, and the result is that the pound is fighting from… In every aspect, for the first time, the black market for currency has this system, brutality and control, and this is for many reasons that I thought was different from the black market in the past, the most important of which is the development of means of communication and financial technology, because in the past the merchant used to go and get the money and return with it, but now everything has become with modern technology and accounts are coming and going and merchants communicate in real time. With each other without any problems and the deals are done over the phone.

What is the role of the Brotherhood in the economic crisis that Egypt is experiencing?

Of course, there are people who will say that we will attach everything to the Brotherhood… but before you rush, let us tell you what the role of the group is in Egypt’s economic crises.

Look, sir.. The Brotherhood and large international groups had a major role in the economic crisis due to the shortage of foreign currencies, especially the dollar, which is currently in Egypt, and from time immemorial they have been playing tricks to destroy the country’s economy, and they all hoped and expanded their plan with the arrival of the deposed group to rule Egypt in 2013, and a new war began on Egypt’s economy, the heroes of which were members of the terrorist group and organized conglomerates of hard currency to finance the military wing and the group’s armed terrorist operations.

In the presence of the deposed group in power, they succeeded in creating a safe climate for the circulation of their money internally and externally, away from the supervision of banks and governments. They assigned some of them to travel to countries known to have a large number of Egyptians working abroad, such as the Gulf countries and others, in order to buy foreign currencies from them there at prices much more expensive than theirs. Official banks, and they were able to create a parallel economy to the national economy called the black market, which has currently become the first entity to be demolished in the country.

With the end of the era of the Brotherhood and their exit from power, they completed their plans for the establishment of the Egyptian state, and this time it was through visa cards, which they used to pump large sums of money from outside Egypt to the elements affiliated with them inside the country as a price for carrying out the tasks assigned to them inside Egypt, the most important of which was igniting the dollar crisis. He took the money from the exchange companies and raised its price, and their first way to talk about this was to take the dollar that was with the Egyptians working abroad and convert it into an Egyptian pound at a price much higher than its official price in the banks, and this, of course, so that people would not go to the banks, and this is what the security services revealed after they made a large number of arrests. Among their members inside Egypt were those who were found out in the investigations of their crimes against the national economy.

The terrorist plan to attack the national economy that was revealed by the security authorities was based on two parts, the first of which was collecting the largest possible number of foreign currencies that were with Egyptians at home and not reaching the official banks, and the second part was using these dollars with the dollars that came to them from outside Egypt from elements. The organization abroad and the groups and countries that finance them in order to carry out terrorist operations represented by the assassination of army and policemen, setting up ambushes, and carrying out bombings in vital areas, the most prominent of which were churches, to strike national unity and intimidate security personnel, in addition, of course, to spread chaos and fear of economic recession, and to spread rumors and depressing news, bankrupt companies, and expel workers. And vocalizing complaints on public transportation about the poor economic conditions by creating a general pessimistic climate, demanding change, creating fuel crises, exporting scenes of crowding at gas stations, spreading rumors about completely canceling subsidies on goods, and casting doubt on major projects such as the New Suez Canal and the Administrative Capital, and card crises. Charging mobile phones creates a problem in the Egyptian street and creates a crisis of any kind.

Are the two brothers responsible for the decline in remittances from Egyptians abroad…or is this a government failure?

This is a very important question, and answering it will reveal a lot behind the scenes of the foreign currency shortage crisis in Egypt.

Look, sir, there is a crisis of declining remittances from Egyptians abroad, and behind it are organized currency gangs. These gangs are depriving Egypt of the largest and most important supplier of foreign currency, and through malicious moves, they are preventing the entry of hard currency into Egypt by communicating with expatriates and buying dollars from them at a higher price than the black market price in Egypt, and they are handing over their families here. In Egypt, the money is in Egyptian pounds, and they take dollars and enter them into the black market. It is enough to know that there is only one year. These gangs deprived Egypt of more than 10 billion dollars. At a time, Egypt spent two years in arduous negotiations with the IMF in order to take 3 billion dollars that it has not spent from them until now. The first tranche is about $350 million

Keep in mind that this fund money is first and second a loan, meaning you will still pay and you will also pay interest and debt service on it, unlike the transfers of Egyptians abroad, which replenish the cash reserve and cover many of Egypt’s dollar needs and do not cost the state treasury a single pound.

What is strange is that there is a strange synchronicity in all the economic crises that Egypt is suffering from, in a way that makes you ask how all these things happen at the same time. If you connect them with each other, you will be certain that there are desperate attempts to besiege and bring Egypt to its knees, and in these attempts, dirty methods and below-the-belt attacks are used.

For example, the navigation crisis in the Red Sea and the attacks carried out by the Houthis on ships cannot be seen without linking them to the impact on the size of ships passing through the Suez Canal, which, according to official statements by President Sisi, has declined by about 50%, and of course this will have an impact on the dollar revenues of the Suez Canal.

In the end, all we can say is, may God save Egypt from all the conspiracies it is being subjected to

2024-02-20 22:21:18
#siege #Sisi #assassination #Egyptian #pound.. #happening #scenes

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