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“The Secret to Youthful Skin: Rejuvenate with Collagen and Silicon”

Most women want to find the secret to an eternally young and beautiful complexion, and nutrition specialist Mihaela Bilic reveals the secret that rejuvenates you! From creams to all kinds of treatments, we are trying to find the solution for a dream skin, but this solution is much more within our reach than we would have thought.

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The protein that rejuvenates your skin

The secret to elastic and smooth skin is collagen, a protein found in animal products. Mihaela Bilic revealed on her Facebook page that this protein consists of 19 amino acids that can only be found in these products and that cannot be dissolved in water.

What do skin, bones, joints, muscles and tendons have in common? Collagen, a basic protein of connective tissue, represents 25-30% of the total protein in the body. This molecule consists of a network of fibers that give strength and elasticity to many tissues: skin, hair, nails, bones and teeth, muscles, tendons and ligaments, joints and blood vessels. 75% of the skin structure and 85% of the muscle structure is represented by collagen. There is 1.6 kg of collagen in the skeletal system, 1.4 kg in the skin and 0.5 kg in the muscles”the nutritionist explained on his Facebook page.

According to Mihaela Bilic, 100 g of new collagen is synthesized every day in the human body. Collagen manages, in addition to the benefits of the skin, to strengthen the bone and muscle system, strengthening the tendons and ligaments, and helping wounds to heal faster. However, among the main factors affecting collagen production is aging!

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What are the factors that affect collagen production? Primarily aging, collagen synthesis decreases by 1% per year starting at age 20. Other negative factors: excessive exposure to the sun, smoking and alcohol abuse, pollution and stress. Every 10 years women lose almost 10% of bone density and 7% of skin elasticity and thickness. In the first 5 years after menopause, due to the lack of estrogen, collagen synthesis decreases by approximately 30%. Increased levels of homocysteine ​​or cortisol and all factors that increase oxidation at the cellular level have a negative impact on collagen“, said Mihaela Bilic.

How to increase the amount of collagen in the body for beauty

We do not lack the raw material, the daily diet ensures a sufficient intake of amino acids necessary for collagen production. Regardless of whether we eat animal or vegetable proteins, we can synthesize collagen from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cereals, legumes, grains and oilseeds. What we need is a catalyst for this reaction, an element to stimulate domestic production. Who is he? Silicon! There are supplements with stabilized silicon in the form of orthosilicic acid that activates key collagen-generating enzymes. These supplements are 100% vegan and do not contain collagen, but protect your own collagen by neutralizing the oxidative factors that destroy it. The secret to ageless youth? A touch of silicon to keep the natural synthesis of collagen at high levels“, added nutritionist Mihaela Bilic.

2023-05-01 18:58:29
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