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the secret passion of Queen Elizabeth that makes them even more similar

From quarantine to another. And yet another … Washing the dishes …

We know Queen Elizabeth is closed in her Royal Bubble, at Windsor Castle. she and Prince Philip, as in a second honeymoon… Kate Middleton, his lockdown, is passing him to Anmer Hall. Until? We do not know…

They haven’t seen each other (except via Zoom) for three months, but Kate Middleton and Her Majesty really have parallel lives. AP Photos

Her Majesty’s first quarantine

The fact is that in her Royal Bubble, Queen Elizabeth is probably traveling through time … Walking through the corridors of the castle, easily, she will see herself as a young girl materializing before her eyes. Because this is not the first quarantine that Her Majesty is spending in the Berkshire castle.

kate middleton regina elisabetta

Windsor, 1940. Elizabeth’s first quarantine due to the Second World War. With her sister Margaret she cultivated the vegetable garden, like Kate Middleton today. But the real revelation is another … Photo Getty

Then when she passes in front of the kitchens, who knows if she feels like entering. And washing the dishes … What Kate Middleton would be doing at Anmer Hall, as she revealed …

A book will come out next autumn. Title The Windsor Diaries: 1940-1945. The five years of Elizabeth’s other quarantine. His first lockdown passed exactly where he is currently spending. From World War II to Covid-19. Change the enemy, but his spirit of resistance is the same.

Queen Elizabeth

The cover of Queen Elizabeth’s first quarantine book in Windsor: to be released in October

They are Lady Alathea Fitzalan Howard’s diaries. In 1940 he left London under the bombs to reach his grandfather viscount. Who lived in Windsor. Althea soon became the playmate of Elizabeth and her sister Margaret. Also evacuate.

Alathea died in 2001. Her diaries ended up in the book. They reveal Elizabeth’s never revealed details and hobbies. The three girls had fun along the river. They set up shows where the future queen always played the male protagonist.

Queen Elizabeth

Does Kate Middleton have George and Charlotte do homework today? Yesterday also Elizabeth, evacuated from London, was studying with mom and sister. Photo Getty

Kate Middleton and Elizabeth queens of the kitchen

They painted, went on horseback. They took dance and cooking lessons. Elizabeth’s specialty? The Scottish bread pudding and butter biscuits.

Today, as she herself told us, Kate Middleton prepares and bakes her children’s favorite desserts… Very bourgeois customs and habits of the bourgeois Kate. But apparently even Royal, in wartime.

Queen Elizabeth

His Majesty during a visit to a confectionery industry: in Windsor he loved washing dishes and preparing his favorite sweets. Like Kate… Photo Getty

Kate Middleton, at Anmer Hall, apparently would have also washed the dishes. In the sense that if the dishwasher broke, she was ready to do it. After all, she did it before getting married and in the early days of the wedding. How did you go shopping?

Washing the dishes, writes her childhood friend in her diaries, it was the true passion of Elisabetta as a young girl.

Who instead hated sewing. Kate Middleton has not told us anything about this…


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