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the secret of the film “The most charming and attractive is revealed”

The outrageous actress nearly cost the director his life.

During the filming of the comedy The Most Charming and Attractive, director Gerald Bezhanov had a serious conflict with Tatyana Vasilyeva, who played the role of Susanna. Bezhanov tried to keep everything under control and clearly follow the script, but Vasilyeva’s “surprise” ruined all of his plans.

The scene where Susanna comes to work for Nadia was shot for several days – and one day the blonde Vasilyeva suddenly changed her hair and came to the set with red hair. The director was so shocked that he ended up in the hospital with a micro heart attack.

In addition, the actress categorically refused to return to the old hair color, so she had to go out to shoot the scene. Until the end of filming, Vasilyeva wore hats to hide the drastic changes in her appearance from the viewer.

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