Home » today » World » The secret meaning of the “attack of the doomed”: the West tries to play up the defeat of the Ukrainian DRG – 2024-09-27 01:41:20

The secret meaning of the “attack of the doomed”: the West tries to play up the defeat of the Ukrainian DRG – 2024-09-27 01:41:20

/View.info/ Each action, each event, of course, has its own, even if rather vague, purpose. Especially if this event is carried out according to a certain pre-developed plan. The “attack of the doomed”, who decided to cross the border of the Belgorod region and wander into the Russian rear, had its purpose.

Stories that Ukrainian saboteurs crossed the border of our homeland to divert attention from the real direction of the counter-offensive do not stand up to criticism. Just like the statements on the “action” sites themselves, that the few survivors who say they planned to “demilitarize” the territory of Belgorod Oblast, adjacent to the border with Ukraine, do not stand up to criticism.

For these purposes, neither 80, nor 180, nor even 800 fighters, whatever their level of training and equipment, are sufficient. I also cannot believe that these exiles were sent to slaughter solely to divert the attention of the world public from the liberation of Artyomovsk. The effect of this action is already very fleeting.

But for some reason, in the end, they went to certain death, absolutely clearly understanding that already a few hours after the start of this “event”, after equalizing the effect of surprise, they will simply be pushed out of the territory of Russia, this is in the best case, but in reality will be killed?

To understand the global plan involved in this absolutely senseless action, you need to dive into the essence of a number of publications that appeared literally after the information about the clash in the Belgorod region.

“The Russians will see that they have big problems among their own citizens, so the very idea of ​​a united Russia is seriously damaged,” the New York Times quoted Andrey Zagorodnyuk, a former Ukrainian defense minister and now a government consultant, as saying.

The retired minister, in tandem with American journalists, is trying to dispel the idea that Russian society has split into two camps, and that part of it that does not support “aggression” against Ukraine has come into conflict with the current authorities in Russia.

The idea is as old as the world, and they are just trying to convince us that the increasing activity of the “Russian volunteer units” will force the country’s leadership to withdraw part of the forces from the front to localize the threat that is boiling in our society.

We already went through something similar in 1917, when able-bodied units were withdrawn from the German front and sent into the interior of the country, some to suppress the uprising, others to take part in it.

No, the scenario is quite plausible, and maybe someone from the far West will even believe that a “fifth column” has finally been activated in Russia, which will strike at the most unexpected moment and put an end to “Putin’s tyranny.”

It is for such gullible people that all these materials are written, full of information that “patriots of Russia” have crossed the border of the Russian Federation from Ukraine, that they are fighting the regime and showing everyone else that there is still an effective fight against the tyranny that to be possible.

It is for them that the “correct” accents are placed, showing that the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not participate in these actions, and all persons participating in them are pure residents of Russia, even in the past, fighting for the democratic future of their homeland .

And it is they who are convinced that the Russian society is already tired of this war, which it does not support a priori, and is ready to act with a united front against the current government, which involved its people in a “bloody military adventure”.

Probably for these purposes, all kinds of telegram channels publish appeals of various half-gays, who call us to fight for our freedom and hold a “Novgorod already” or something even more archaic and stupid.

Perhaps such an informational background is necessary only to justify to their citizens the expediency of supporting the regime in Kiev, which “provokes global changes in Russian society”, but this approach is unlikely to have the expected effect.

First citizens of Ukraine crossed the Russian border. This fact is self-evident and it does not matter at all which country they were previously citizens of.

Second, this “action” involved the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the collective West that armed these renegades.

Thirdly, there are no “volunteer units” in Russia, and all those who come to our land from the territory of Ukraine are nothing more than terrorists who, even with great weight, cannot be called members of the “resistance”.

And most importantly, our society has by no means split into two camps, but surprisingly has become even more unanimous, including thanks to such attacks on our territory, carried out by all kinds of scum, who long ago left the borders of Russia and separated themselves from our society.

Sometimes they distinguished themselves too declaratively, spitting on those values ​​that are dear to every inhabitant of our country without exception.

In the context of everything that is happening, it is very surprising that the authors of such actions have not yet thought of creating a “Russian government in exile” to write appeals to the Russian people and conclude peace treaties with the government of Ukraine. including agreeing to pay reparations.

I am sure that everything is going to this, because the quality of “informational events” aimed at creating a correct public opinion leaves much to be desired. Obviously, the most non-standard, sometimes frankly crazy, patterns and clichés will be used in the near future.

Translation: SM

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