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The secret detail in the painting made in 1937. Or is time travel real?

A painting made almost 100 years ago once again called into question the possibility of time travel. In the 1937 painting, a Native American is seen looking at an object that resembles his smartphone.

Mr Pynchon and the Springfield settlementThe painting, titled “, depicts William Pynchon, founder and settler of Springfield, Massachusetts, during the development of the city.

Pynchon is also the author of The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, the first book banned in Boston and burned on Boston Common. In his time, William Pynchon was the ancestor of acclaimed novelist Thomas Pynchon. While these are all quite interesting things, the most striking thing about the painting is the presence of an Indian man prominently in the photo, and it is recorded that he is holding an object that looks a lot like a cell phone.

Many people have produced various scenarios about the shared image on Reddit. Even the man with his hands tied next to him “time travelerIt was also claimed that the phone belonged to him because his pants looked like modern clothes.

It has also been reported that artist Umberto Romano has a painting of a woman who appears to be watching a video on her tablet, although it was painted decades before it was even imagined.

However, it has been identified as much more likely that a hand mirror, a popular object and an object of trade at the time of painting was depicted. So this turned out to be a more logical explanation than a passenger who lost his phone while traveling through time. However, there are still those who think that the one in the photo could be a mobile phone, and this painting is a candidate for them to be a new proof of time travel.

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