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The “secret box” of the world has been revealed. Contains information that

A black box was designed to tell the future what happened to the world on the day the world ends.

According to Betül Yasemin Keskin’s news from Milliyet newspaper; Climate change, a topic that scientists from all over the world have been discussing recently, has been criticized by scientists and they have been trying to find a solution to the situation. So much so that climate change is no longer talked about alone, and severe drought, in particular the melting of glaciers, has been defined as one of the most felt effects of climate change. The aim of the scientists, who believe these changes will lead to the end of the world, is to leave information for future generations after a possible disaster.

A joint project was developed with scientists from the University of Tasmania, the marketing agency Celemnger BBDO and the creative agency Glue Society. to the project “Earth’s Black Box” They called it (The Black Box of the World). While the creators of this project are undecided whether humanity will survive after a possible end, they are kind of “future”, considering the possibility of life starting again on the planet.memory‘ leaves.

The black box, which has been studied for many years, is designed in such a way that it will not be affected even by a nuclear war with a high probability of destroying the world.

Earth’s Black Box aims to objectively explain the problems that are causing the end of humanity and the planet. However, there are those who find this project useful and those who don’t. Some scientists have found it inappropriate to spend resources on other projects instead of trying to find solutions to problems that would lead to the end of the planet. According to the creators of the project, the black box aims to raise awareness in many ways.

Jonathan Kneebone, co-founder of the Glue Society, told the American television channel ABC, “This box was built to outlive us all. This box will continue to work even when the power grids go completely out” She said. Jim Curtis, creative director of marketing agency Clemenger BBDO, used the following sentences in the same interview: “If the world collapses due to climate change, this indestructible recorder will be there for anyone to learn from it.”

THERE IS A LOT OF EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS threatening the survival of the human species

Climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh of Stanford University has said the effects of climate change are extremely serious. “The problem of climate change is a very serious reality for humans and ecosystems. There is ample evidence that global warming threatens the survival of the human species.” put the emphasis.

Malta, Norway and Qatar are also said to be candidates for the erection of this structure, which will use steel and granite in its design. However, it has been reported that the Australian state of Tasmania has been determined to be the most suitable location, both geopolitically and geologically. This is thought to be the region that can best hide the black box during disasters.


The “Black Box of the World” project also brought to mind the question of how future generations will access the information in the box after a possible end. The architects of the box on the subject said they were working on the project and clarified the matter as follows:

“We will binary encode the information inside the black box and etch the instructions into the box.”

It looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to learn more about the project, which is expected to be completed in 2022.

Stored data; It will include land and sea temperatures, ocean acidification, atmospheric CO2, species extinction, land use changes, as well as human population, military expenditure and energy consumption. Contextual data will also be collected, such as newspaper headlines, social media posts, and news from major events such as the COP meetings on climate change.

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