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The second year of the concert hall “Latvija” was celebrated in Ventspils / Article

On Saturday, July 24, the second anniversary of the concert hall “Latvia” was celebrated in Ventspils with open-air performances and a contemporary dance performance. Its main event is a two-part experience of music and performing arts “Apollons. Our directorate”, Which offered the audience the opportunity to watch outdoor performances of various artists in the square near the concert hall. But the second part was dedicated to Igor Stravinsky’s ballet “Apollo” in a modern interpretation. –

The set of events of the second anniversary of the concert hall “Latvija” “Otrs” has been created by referring to the projects of the first half of the year, as well as offering a new experience of dance and music interaction. Music and performing arts experience “Apollo. In the first part of the “Our Directorate”, artists who have participated in various events of the concert hall offered their performances in the square near the concert hall. Every anniversary guest or casual passer-by had the opportunity to meet actor Gundars Āboliņš, musicians Magdalena Geka, Ieva Salietis and Arvīds Kazlauskas, as well as listen to the performance of the vocal group “Putni”.

Miks Magone, the artistic director of the concert hall “Latvija”, is pleased that the two-year anniversary event has brought together new and unprecedented creative ideas. He emphasizes: If here in Ventspils, the concert hall “Latvija” and the circle around it can be a place to meet and do something together for people who have never done it before and would not have imagined to come together in good faith, then we should be like for such “blind date” organizers for this meeting place, I think it’s a cherry in whipped cream. “

The second part of the anniversary celebrations took place in the premises of the concert hall. “Apollo. Our Directorate ”is the view of composer Plato Buravick, choreographer Agate Bankava and scenographer Kristian Brekte on the composer Igor Stravinsky’s ballet“ Apollo ”.

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