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The second life of politicians, television

Toni Cantó changes the seat for the television set. At least in a timely manner. And it is that the one who was until now the spokesperson for Ciudadanos in the Valencian parliament -and who decided to leave the orange formation this week- has signed up as a regular collaborator of the Risto Mejide program in Cuatro, Everything is a lie. Something that has been common in television programs that are launched hunting of the politician who leaves his seat.

It does so at a time, Spanish politics is going through a convulsive moment, with the motion of censure in Murcia, the call for elections in Madrid and the abandonment of Pablo Iglesias from the vice-presidency of the Government to present himself to the regional governments of Madrid.

Risto Mejide signs Toni Canto as a collaborator of ‘Todo es lie’ live


Toni Cantó decided to leave Ciudadanos, the party for which he was a spokesperson in Les Corts Valencianas due to discrepancies with the executive of Inés Arrimadas. He said when leaving the headquarters Orange that he hoped to “get back to work on his own” as soon as possible and that he was going to call his representative.

However, not even 24 hours have passed and you have already received the first job offer. It is a collaboration in Everything is a lie as an analyst. He sang accepted the offer that Risto Mejide proposed to him live, to the surprise of the audience.

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This is not the first time that Risto’s program has pulled an ex-politician who has just left a party to offer him a one-time collaborator. Moreover, it seems to have become a commonplace of Everything is a lie offer jobs to politicians who leave their formations for whatever reason.

One of the first to do so was the former deputy of Ciudadanos Marcos de Quintos, but the same thing happened with the former president of the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes. The same happens with Manuela Carmena, the one who was mayor of Madrid, and who has signed for TV3. These signings, yes, usually stick to specific participations in the program to analyze current issues.

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Risto Mejide signs Toni Canto as a collaborator of 'Todo es lie' live

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