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The seasonal Mediterranean diet

For a healthy and balanced diet even in cold weather, here are all the seasonal products for Mediterranean diet in the middle of winter. From fruit to vegetables and also passing through fish and cheeses. And this is because, according to the season, to eat well and healthy it is also important to follow the rhythm of nature.



“Respecting seasonality is important for the environment and for our health: nature provides us with the micronutrients we need at that time in the various seasons”, emphasizes dietician Federica Grandi.
The Mediterranean diet it is a balanced diet, able to bring health and well-being to your body. It is a diet that has its origins in the food traditions of the European countries bordering the Mediterranean basin and which today is universally considered one of the greatest examples of healthy nutrition.

Fruit, vegetables and fish are typical foods of the Mediterranean diet with excellent properties for health, also united by seasonality. If, in fact, it is known that pears or cauliflowers are typically winter fruits of the earth, less well known is that anchovies or sardines also have their season in the cold months. “Respect the seasonality of food it allows us to spend less and to exploit the environment less. But it’s not just this. Nature does not act without reason: according to the various seasons we also find foods that have micronutrients (such as vitamins and mineral salts) which are particularly useful in that season “, Dr. Federica Grandi, dietician at the Polyclinic explains to Gazzetta Active. San Pietro di Ponte San Pietro (Bergamo) of the San Donato Group.

Is it true that fish also has its own seasonality?
“Yes, and following it is important because it allows you to avoid excessive exploitation of the seabed. If I catch fish that is too young, in fact, I no longer have the birth turnover of the fish itself, and in the end I have to go and get farmed fish, which is certainly less rich from a nutritional point of view “.

What are the typical fish of this winter season?
“We find fish particularly rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as anchovies, mackerel and sardines, but also sole, sea bass, hake, red snapper, grouper, St. Peter’s, amberjack, turbot, redfish, and then molluscs like cuttlefish, squid and octopus “.

Coming to vegetables instead, which ones are in season?
“In winter we find the whole cabbage family (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), the root family (turnips, radishes, thistle, artichoke, carrots, beets), the whole lettuce family (lettuce, cress, catalonia , ribs, herbs, leeks, onions, celery, spinach). In particular, we note the presence of cruciferous plants, very rich in antioxidants and ideal minerals in winter. Furthermore, all these vegetables contain vitamin K, with an anticoagulant power, and many prebiotic fibers, which help the well-being of the intestine, nourishing the bacterial flora with beneficial effects at the level of immune defenses “.

What about fruit?
“Again we have many rich fruits C vitamin, essential antioxidant for the immune system, especially in a cold season such as winter. In fact, I speak of the citrus family (oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruits), of kiwis (even richer in vitamin C than citrus fruits), and then of apples and pears “.

Which foods are particularly suitable for athletes?
“Vitamin C is essential because sport, especially if intense, is pro-inflammatory. So the diet must go to extinguish this state of inflammation and vitamin C and omega 3 help a lot. It should also be remembered that the sportsman’s diet must be balanced all year round, not just around the races “.

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