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The season of colds is in full swing – how to welcome spring healthy?

A cold

Although the sun shines more and more often outside the window, and the birds are already chirping, the changing weather is the best environment for viruses and bacteria to spread. In fact, you have probably noticed yourself that colleagues, relatives, friends and other acquaintances are sick around you – upper respiratory tract diseases prevail, COVID-19 is still relevant, and flu cases are bothersome every year. How to avoid debilitating seasonal illnesses and what to do if they have already caught you?

Say hello properly

If you have already felt the first symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID-19, you should think about a proper recovery plan. Don’t be in a hurry to resort to medicine – natural remedies are usually enough to relieve seasonal ailments – herbal teas, a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey, natural chicken broth, compresses and even heating your feet in hot water. Often, people rush to drink paracetamol and other fast-acting and temperature-relieving preparations, although often the body temperature has not even risen. Pharmacists warn that such medicines should be taken only at a temperature higher than 39 °C, and at lower temperatures, so-called folk medicine should be used. Of course, keeping track of the temperature will be much easier if you have one at home quality thermometer – buy a contactless, electronic or other option that is convenient for you. At the same time, don’t forget your cold and flu medicines – you won’t have the energy or desire to rush to the pharmacy when the temperature rises!

Enrich your diet with immune-boosting nutritional supplements

Strengthening immunity at the end of winter can be difficult – the selection of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables in stores is really small, and you really don’t want to eat products that have lost their freshness. It goes without saying that such a poorer diet often leads to an imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body – there is a lack of various microelements that support well-being and excellent health. In order for immunity to remain strong and seasonal diseases to be the least of your worries, enrich your diet with balanced vitamins, food supplements or their complexes. In the spring, it is good to use zinc and selenium – the latter protect the thyroid gland and play an important role in the fight against inflammation, so the body overcomes any invaders faster. Don’t forget fish oil and vitamin C and D – this trio is indispensable in the fight against various diseases. These trace elements create a protective barrier, prevent the feeling of helplessness that often occurs in the case of illness and allow the body to recover faster even after a long illness.

It is also useful to replenish the kitchen cupboard with teas designed to relieve colds and strengthen the respiratory system – they not only reduce inflammation when sick, but also strengthen immunity when consumed regularly. Of course, do it in moderation, because if you drink the tea every day, the body gets used to it, so the effect may be barely noticeable.

Maintain physical activity

An equally important factor that will help maintain good health and good health in early spring is physical activity. By exercising regularly, you will create a kind of protection for the body – when you move every day, your immunity gets stronger, so it will be much easier for the body to fight against an incoming virus, bacteria or other infection-causing microorganism. It’s even better if you exercise in the fresh air – of course, if you haven’t done it before, you’d better wait for the warmer season, but it’s definitely worth trying this routine. Not only that, sports provide not only physical, but also psychological well-being – spending time actively will clear your mind and definitely get rid of a bad mood!


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– 2024-04-05 17:46:20

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