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The scientific reality of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine

Contrary to the lies and untruths spilled on social networks about this, the vaccination protects you against Covid-19 and the vaccine has no negative retroactive impact on your health. On the contrary, it establishes a defense system for your organism by bringing into play a mechanism of recognition-immobilization-destruction of the virus entering your respiratory tract. Explanations …

Through Djamel Oulmokhtar *

Many videos posted on social media pour out lies and untruths to make people refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Among the arguments presented by these detractors of vaccination is that we are injected with viral DNA which will modify our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and therefore the genes carried on our chromosomes.

People are intoxicated by such information and many others that are fictional. To remove the misunderstanding and encourage people to get vaccinated, in the following lines we will scientifically explain the content of the vaccine and how it protects you against covid-19.

Each time the virus enters your body, it is detected and disarmed very quickly.

First of all, the anti-covid vaccine does not contain DNA but viral RNA (ribonucleic acid) which is a language copy of DNA used to synthesize proteins in the body. cytoplasm of our cells. This RNA is in the form of strands. As soon as the RNA strands have fulfilled their function, they are destroyed and expelled from the cell: the RNA having fulfilled its function of protein synthesis will never return to the level of the DNA (our chromosomes) contained in the nucleus.

The vaccine therefore contains many strands of virus RNA which, once injected, will allow our cells to synthesize a molecule which is part of the outer envelope of Covid-19 (this is a site specific to each variant): c is in a way the weakest point of the virus’s identity card.

The principle of the vaccine is that the RNA injected into our body will induce the synthesis of a large quantity of this viral protein (identity card) which will be released into the blood. It is in the blood that the immunity cells, in this case the memory B lymphocytes, will scan for the viral protein and keep a memory of it. At this point, your B lymphocytes are initiated to the virus.

Subsequently, each time the virus enters your body, it is very quickly detected by the B lymphocytes, which activate other immune cells called plasma cells and T lymphocytes (for killers): the former release the antibodies for block the movement of the virus and the seconds destroy or kill the virus.

The second injection reactivates the immune cells to destroy the virus

Finally, the second injection is in fact a booster, that is to say a reactivation of the memory of the B lymphocytes and the induction of the cooperation of the cells of the immunity to destroy the virus which enters the organism by the respiratory tract.

Here is the scientific reality of the vaccine. By vaccinating yourself you protect yourself against Covid-19. The vaccine has no negative retroactive impact on human health. On the contrary, it represents the establishment of a defense system of your organism by bringing into play a mechanism of recognition-immobilization-destruction of the virus entering your respiratory tract.

* Doctorate in social psychology and master’s degree in human biology from the University of Paris-Descartes.

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