As explained, a solar eclipse occurs when the positions of the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line. This is because the Earth revolves around the sun, and the moon which acts as a satellite of the earth moves around the earth every day or what is called the lunar revolution.
Because they both rotate or evolve around their respective targets, it is possible that one day all three will be in a straight line.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks some or all of the sun’s light. Even though the moon is smaller than the sun, the moon can cover the sun because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun.
When the earth, moon, and sun are aligned, the moon’s shadow falls on the earth and covers the sun. The moon’s shadow that falls on the earth’s surface has two parts, namely the core shadow (umbra) and the additional shadow (penumbra).
Earthlings in the umbra region will not see the sun because all sources of light are covered by the moon. Meanwhile, those in areas where the penumbra passes through can still see some sunlight.
2023-11-28 03:53:00
#Understanding #solar #eclipse #process #occurs #types #tips