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The Science Behind Always Having Room for Dessert After a Hearty Meal

There’s always room for dessert in your stomach! Even after a hearty meal, you never refuse dessert. Why does this happen?

Have you ever wondered why even after a very abundant meal, such as those typical of weddings or Christmas, despite feeling full, it is difficult to give up dessert? Although the stomach is saturated with food, in fact, there always seems to be room for dessert. Gluttony, and the fact that practically everyone likes sweets, is obviously the main cause of this.

However, there are others too psychological and physical mechanisms causing the phenomenon. And to understand if there are scientific reasons for the fact that dessert is never refused, studies have also been conducted. Let’s see in particular what researchers have discovered on the matter. Let’s start with a study conducted by scholars from the department of Pennsylvania State University Nutritional Sciences.

What studies say about ‘dessert stomach’

According to researchers from the department of Pennsylvania State University Nutritional Sciencesin some cases the reason that makes us believe we still have some space in our stomach for dessert is the fact that that space really is there, even if we have the sensation that the capacity has reached the limit. This mechanism, which encourages you to eat dessert even though you are no longer hungry, is called “specific sensory satiety.

It was first introduced in 1956 by the French neurophysiologist Jacques Le Magnen. This is a selective limit that the human body uses to induce people not to always eat the same foods but to vary them, so as to have a more balanced diet.

Studies have been conducted that explain this phenomenon – Buttalapasta.it

Barbara Rolls explained this mechanism. The researcher carried out research on a group of volunteers with a team of scholars. People had to rate their liking of eight different foods by tasting a little of each, at different times. They ate the first course until they were full, in fact they ate a large quantity. Then they ate the other dishes and expressed an opinion on each one.

After a break, shortly after the meal, the volunteers had to taste the eight dishes again and judge them. Here the researchers found a decrease in enjoyment of food. This has led researchers to deduce that you can eat one food until you feel like you’re bursting, but still not give up others if they are available. What leads to no longer wanting to eat is often the decline in pleasure that a food gives, which is specific to that food and not transversal. So if the appetite for one food decreases it does not mean that the appetite for another with completely different characteristics will not remain high. The fact that there is always room for dessert, therefore, depends on the radical difference of this compared to previous courses.

What another study says

This theory was also confirmed by subsequent research, which added a further piece, discovering that the food, as it continued with the meal, would not only become less tasty for the eater, but would also take on a less attractive appearance and smell. This often pushes to stop eating but resume with gusto when dessert time arrives. This mechanism is also the basis of the fact that when faced with a buffet with many variations of food we are often led to eat more than normal.

Another study adds something important – buttalapasta.it

In summary, the desire for sweets after a large meal can be attributed to a combination of psychological and physiological factors. Sensory-specific satiety plays a key role, as the decline in pleasure for a specific food does not necessarily extend to all foods. Furthermore, the altered perception of the taste and appearance of foods during the meal could contribute to the desire for something sweet and tempting. So, even when the stomach seems to be at maximum capacity, the lure of dessert persists, making it an irresistible pleasure that goes beyond food rationality.

2023-12-31 21:01:04
#crave #dessert #binge #explanation #Buttalapasta

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