Home » today » News » The SBGS proposes to build a net fence on the border with Belarus, it would cost over 150 million. euros

The SBGS proposes to build a net fence on the border with Belarus, it would cost over 150 million. euros

Its installation would cost a total of more than 150 million. euros.

“We plan to build right next to the state border, not lower than four meters from the ground, we would already be here with Concertina,” Colonel Vidas Mačaitis, the Deputy Commander of the SBGS, told BNS on Monday.

According to him, the fence would be made of welded rod mesh, and at the top it would end with Y-shaped rods on which a cutting wire called Concertina would be mounted.

“It (mesh fence – BNS) would be reinforced so that it could not be cut so easily,” said V. Mačaitis.

The SBGS proposes to install 508 km of such fences on the border with Belarus.

According to the official, it is desired to build a single fence, because twice Lithuania has no place.

“It simply came to our notice then. We do not have territories like the Hungarians either. It would be the only fence near the state border, “the colonel claimed.

The SBGS estimates that the installation of such a fence with Concertina would cost 152.460 million. euros.

“We are preparing technical specifications and will start procurement procedures in the near future. Of course, the biggest problem is money, “the deputy commander told BNS.

Depending on the funding, building a fence can take both a year and three.

“From the signing of the contract, 98 km of work would take, we estimate, about seven months. The next stages – 227 km would last up to a year and 182 km – also up to a year “, said V. Mačaitis.

“Everything can go in parallel, only it depends on the funds. We planned in stages if the funds were allocated in installments, ”he explained.

The Deputy Commander of the SBGS doubted that the installation of the fence could start already this year.

“It simply came to our notice then. I think the work will only start next year, “he said.

According to the official, first of all the fence would be built in the most vulnerable places – towards the border with Latvia and towards the border with Poland.

According to V.Mačaitis, it was considered to build a brick wall, but the Lithuanian soil is not suitable for it – too many swamps and peatlands.

“All options have been considered, the best has been evaluated, and we will build one,” he said.

All options considered, rated the best, and we will build.

Ylva Johansson, the European Commissioner who visited there, said that a physical barrier on the border with Belarus is necessary on Monday.

According to the Interior Ministry, the installation of a physical barrier on the border with Belarus, including surveillance and other systems, could cost a total of about half a billion euros.

Mr Johanssson said that he could not yet answer whether the installation of the fence could be financed from European Union funds.

This year, almost 4,000 people crossed the border from Belarus to Lithuania. illegal migrants. That number is more than a dozen times higher than it was throughout 2020.

Lithuania has declared an emergency situation due to the increase in illegal migration. The country’s officials take the position that the increased migration flows are an organized action of the Minsk regime against Lithuania.

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