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The Sardine Diet: How it Works, What to Eat, and How Long to Follow It

How the sardine diet works, what to eat and how long to follow it. The essential information to know.

Sardine (Ricettasprint.it)

Sardine diet, to lose weight and eat healthy it is among the most suitable things we could do. Its duration is only three days and mainly includes the intake of this type of oily fish when we are at the table. The benefits are all linked to the assimilation of the nutrients found in this specific type of fish food, which also combines an important quantity of fibre.

The sardine diet otherwise presupposes drinking water, herbal teas and infusions, and also coffee in the morning. However, in this case all the drinks listed which usually include them should be taken without the addition of sugar. And as for water, you need at least two liters a day. The sardine diet is useful for purifying us and rinsing the intestines.

Sardine diet, how many to eat per day

Sardine (Ricettasprint.it)

With the sardine diet we will be able to make our own too lots of omega 3 and minerals such as phosphorus. Furthermore, this fish is not associated with the risk of having heavy metals inside it, and this will protect us from any unpleasant surprises as could instead happen with specimens of tuna and swordfish. Which are more subject to problems linked to the presence of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead and others.

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A recommendation to follow to the letter is to always keep fresh fish, which is more nutritious but also healthier. For lunch and dinner you need to divide a quantity of 100 grams of fresh sardines. So 50 for one and another 50 for the other, to be cooked on the grill, on the griddle, in the oven and to be accompanied in the first case also with pasta, or with vegetables of various types and cooked in the same way.

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What to eat for breakfast and other meals of the day

As for breakfast, we mentioned coffee, herbal teas and the like. But that’s fine too a cup of milk with whole grains. Which we can also eat in low-fat plain yogurt if we want. The latter can also be associated with a fresh seasonal fruit.

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And for a mid-morning snack and an afternoon snack we can always choose a fresh seasonal fruit or about thirty grams of almonds. tall this, as mentioned, for three days and only on the recommendation of a dietician or nutritionist.

2023-11-05 21:00:12
#Sardine #diet #good #follow #stay #fit

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