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The Santiago Cruz concert in Ibagué will be free • La Nación

Tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the Panopticon Cultural Center in IbaguéFifth, andThe renowned artist returns to his homeland, this time to sing with the support of a symphony orchestra made up of groups from two well-known institutions in the city. This is to open the Ibagué Festival.

When he gets the chance, the singer Santiago Cruz, one of the most relevant people in pop music in Spanish, declares that he is proud to be an Ibaguerian. That is why it was natural that Fèis Ibagué invited him to inaugurate its fifth version with a very special concert at the Panóptico Center in Ibagué on Thursday, September 5.

Santiago Cruz performs several of his hits (such as ‘Yo te todo’, ‘Y si te quedas qué’ and ‘Baja laguard’) with financial support that he reserves for very important moments: the presence of a symphonic group. In this case, the power of the academic institutions of the region will be shown, because the Tolima Conservatory and the Ibagué Conservatory will be an orchestral union, under the direction of maestro Tolimense Germán Gutiérrez, based in Texas – USA. .

The theme of Fèis V Ibagué is “Tolima’s musical diaspora”, referring to the musical people who were born and raised in the area but decided to go to other places in the world to broaden their horizons. These artists have ended up being representatives of Tolima in new latitudes. There is no doubt that Santiago Cruz is an example, as his music has taken him on a journey to countries such as Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador and the United States.

Regarding his presence at the Festival, the singer said:

“For me, playing in Ibagué is always emotional. I am proud Ibagueño and I have always welcomed the public in my city. Being part of Fèis Ibagué makes me happy because I know what it means at the level of the city, at the cultural level, especially in this one that talks about the talents that have come out of Ibagué, from this diaspora. And it was a dream of mine to play with musicians from the two conservatories. So it’s going to be a very interesting night.”

The night also promises to be an inspiration for the young people and the teachers who are members of the two orchestras, and they will have the opportunity to share with one of the most famous artistic references in their country. Everything is ready for this gala concert, on September 5 at 7:00 pm, at the Panopticon. A special evening that opens with the group The New Orleans Jazz Vipers from the city of New Orleans.

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