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The Santa Cruz Marathon forces to restrict parking and rearrange traffic on the weekend | Radio Club Tenerife

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council has designed a comprehensive security and traffic device that will be launched next Sunday due to the celebration of a new edition of the Santa Cruz Marathon. By virtue of previous planning, it has been determined that all the roads affected by the route of this sporting event will be closed to traffic at 08:00 on Sunday, November 14. For this sporting event there will be a wide deployment of the Local Police, supported by Civil Protection personnel and the organization of the event itself. From Saturday, November 13, many of the traffic measures necessary for the proper development of the race will begin to be in force.

In this edition, in the modalities of 21 and 42 kilometers, the planned itinerary will start along Francisco La Roche avenue, Litoral highway tunnel, Marítima avenue, Constitución avenue, Fomento street next to the Regla hermitage; Vicente Álvarez Pedreira streets, Adán Martín Menis, Celia Cruz, Manuel Hermoso Rojas avenue; Mayor José Emilio García Gómez and Áurea Díaz Flores streets. You will continue along La Salle avenue; Galcerán, Méndez Núñez, San Isidro, La Rosa, Valentín Sanz streets, Serrador bridge, capital market roundabout; José Hernández Alfonso street; Leoncio Rodríguez and Bravo Murillo avenue to Plaza de España; continuing through La Marina and República de Honduras streets.

In the medium and long distance, depending on the time of the test, it continues in the direction of Avenida Anaga and the road to San Andrés, reaching the Dársena Pesquera, from where the return to the finish area begins. While the athletes who carry out the marathon, after passing through the finish line on Francisco La Roche avenue, will start a second round of the route. Regarding the popular race, eight kilometers long, it will start at 11:30 am from Francisco La Roche avenue, passing through the part of the most urban circuit of the Tenerife capital.

The Local Police will enable the double direction of circulation in the direction of entrance to Santa Cruz in the section between Ramblas and the San Andrés roundabout in order to allow access to the different neighborhoods and towns of Anaga. Also, as far as possible, an attempt will be made to facilitate access to the garages located within the perimeter of this sporting event.

Traffic cuts will be established from Constitución avenue to Pedro Maffiote, Celia Cruz and Manuel Hermoso avenues; also the entrance through the streets Mayor José Emilio García Gómez, Áurea Díaz Flores. The traffic coming from Manuel Hermoso Rojas avenue will be diverted towards the Juan Sebastián Elcano roundabout to continue towards Constitución avenue or the Penetration road (TF-4) heading south.

The entire axis of Avenida La Salle, Galcerán, Plaza Weyler will also be closed to traffic, preventing the passage from Calle Ramón y Cajal to that area, diverting traffic to the Ramblas de Santa Cruz area. It will not be possible to circulate on Méndez Núñez street either, affecting even the accesses from the adjacent roads; The streets San Isidro, La Rosa, Valentín Sanz, General Serrador bridge, will also be cut, establishing the possible exit of vehicles also towards the Ramblas. For security reasons, it is also prohibited to circulate on San Sebastián Avenue, between the Market and Bravo Murillo Avenue, as well as La Marina and República de Honduras streets.

The extensive route of the Tenerife Marathon translates into the elimination of parking on roads that are not usually subject to these changes. The main recommendation is that the circumstantial signage regarding parking be respected to avoid that vehicles that do not comply with it must be removed by the Local Police with the support of the municipal tow truck service.

The Santacrucera Traffic Control Room will also be operational to solve or detect any problem related to the accesses and exits of the city, as well as the management of the security pylons and the Urban area. All the information regarding the hours and areas of prohibition of parking has been disclosed by mail in the areas most affected by these modifications.

Finally, it should be remembered that as far as possible these changes will also be communicated, especially during the day on Sunday, through the Twitter profile of the Santa Cruz Local Police @PoliciaLocalSC and if there were other types of incidents through @CECOPALSC

As for parking in the area, one of the main effects of this sporting event will focus on the need to carry out multiple parking bans in various parts of the city. It is planned that, from 08:00 hours on Saturday, the first parking limitations will begin to be in force in the area of ​​Francisco La Roche avenue, surface lane, with the aim of facilitating the assembly of the necessary facilities for the development of the marathon. This lane will be cut off from traffic around 12:00 on the same day.

Also on Saturday, starting at 4:00 p.m., the parking and circulation ban will be extended to the stretch of Francisco La Roche avenue between the streets of La Marina and República de Honduras. At that time it is planned to cut the passage of vehicles access to the tunnel of the Vía Litoral, in the northern direction, at the confluence of Avenida Marítima with Avenida San Sebastián, diverting traffic to Avenida Tres de Mayo.

In addition to the aforementioned prohibition to park, on the same Saturday, from 6:00 p.m., the possibility of parking in the streets Méndez Núñez, San Isidro, a section of Calle Santiago (between San Vicente Ferrer and Santa Rosalía) is eliminated. La Rosa, La Marina and Republic of Honduras streets. The same day, but after 10 p.m., parking is prohibited on Leoncio Rodríguez Alfonso streets (between José Hernández Alfonso and José Manuel Guimerá Gurrea), Regla hermitage, Vicente Álvarez Pedreira and Celia Cruz streets.

Regarding the Sunday day, all parking limitations will be in force from 00:00 hours and will be extended, predictably, until 14:00 hours, when the test is already in its final phase, although some of the roads will remain closed to traffic some more time for safety reasons and dismantling of facilities. On Sunday it will be forbidden to park in: Plaza de España, Avenida Anaga, the parking lots in front of the Valleseco neighborhood, close to the hydrocarbon deposit area; Bravo Murillo avenue; El Pilar street (between Suárez Guerra and San Clemente) and Villalba Hervás street (between La Marina and San Francisco), excepting auto taxis from this prohibition.

Alternative itineraries

Once the test begins, various alternative routes have been determined so that drivers can circulate as normally as possible. It is important to note that, once again, the auxiliary road of the Port of Tenerife will remain open to traffic, between 07:00 and 19:00 on Sunday, mainly to facilitate access and departure from the towns and neighborhoods of Anaga . Either way, to connect the city with Anaga, in both directions of circulation, it is recommended to use the Ramblas de Santa Cruz axis.

Another of the areas most affected by the development of the marathon will be the neighborhood of El Toscal, establishing that access to this area should be from the Santos ravine road, Paseo de La Concordia, Ramón y Cajal extension, Juan Padrón streets, Miraflores or Alfaro, San Clemente and Santiago street. The exit will be guided by the streets San Miguel, San Nicolás, San Vicente Ferrer, Santiago, Santa Rosalía, Antonio de Lara and Zárate, Pilar, Suárez Guerra, San Francisco de Paula and extension of Ramón y Cajal. There will be two-way traffic in sections of Calle Santiago and in the opposite direction through San Francisco Javier.

At the access to the shopping centers located in the surroundings of Cabo Llanos, the Local Police, once the bulk of the participants have passed through the intersection with Tres de Mayo Avenue, will try to facilitate the passage in safe conditions for everyone. There will be intermittent traffic cuts in the area. To get closer to the Nuestra Señora de África Market area, it is advisable to use José Manuel Guimerá Gurrea avenue, enabling intermittent steps as the race progresses.

Regarding the exit from the private garages of the buildings located within the perimeter of the marathon route, an attempt will be made to collaborate to carry out this maneuver, whenever possible, and following the indications with the presence of the Local Police. Maximum caution is requested in these circumstances since, in some cases, drivers will even be guided on roads in the opposite direction to the usual one.

Public transport

The Local Police of the capital of Tenerife insists on recommending the use of public transport to access the city, whether you come to enjoy this sporting event or to carry out procedures or purchases.

Regarding the tram service, it must be remembered that between 08:00 and 13:00, approximately, it will only circulate between the stops on Trinidad avenue, La Laguna, and up to the Plaza de La Paz in the capital of Tenerife, for what during that period the stops of the Weyler square, Guimerá Theater, Foundation and Interchange will not be operative.

The celebration of this sporting event will also mean the alteration of the usual routes of some urban lines of the TITSA bus service from Saturday, although the service will continue with some modifications of stops, which will be facilitated in cases such as those located in Valleseco and María Jimenez. Although some taxi ranks are eliminated, the main ones that will be operational in the area or its vicinity will be those of Pilar, Villalba Hervás and Carlos JR Hamilton streets.

Finally, it is reiterated to the public to exercise the utmost respect for the circumstantial signs and indications of the agents of the Local Police.

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